Flaw in the way repairs work now

Because machines and coils have different amounts of ‘condition’, if you repair on the machine you cannot check if coils are fully repaired without moving to a coil, which kinda impinges on what this update was for!

And anyone who is planning on hiding their coils, will never know if they are fully repaired.

I guess it probably makes no real difference, but it would be something that niggles at my brain.

It probably relates to a previous post I made about coil condition, in the way that works.

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Same as this?


What post was that?

Oops, added the link I forgot!

Yep, missed that when looking to see if anyone else reported!

Sorry for the duplicate…

Yeah the health bar of the block you’re hitting should be the average of all connected machine blocks.

But I have noticed that if you look to the right of your screen where you can see how much damage you’re repairing to check if all coils are repaired as well, when it doesn’t scroll up anymore they are done!

Still the health bar should show for all…


Yeah I agree the wear should be equal across all coils along with the machine.

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I had a machine and all the coils but one get repaired. Then I saw that just one coil was still not done. They were all at the same rate prior to repairing.

I think it should display the weakest or lowest heath of everything connected to it.

Let’s wait for this to be fixed! Meanwhile just pay attention to the log or your xp gain :slight_smile:

I’ve added a note to the database about this. In the meantime, you can still fully repair machines until the XP and log messages stop as already suggested.

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I found if I repair coils only it fixes all including machine. But if fix machine it won’t do all

I thought this as well. It only seemed to affect coils that were worn before the update.

So if coil a was at 50% coil b 65% and the machine at 90% once the machine was fully repaired the lowest coil stopped moving.

I simply repaired all the coils instead of the machine before relocating them to hidden spots. Once moved and i repaired the machine it did then repair all. Minor inconvenience only for me as i moved everything

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