Folva capital

As far as I know, no one has claimed the capital and it is looking horrible.
This world looses much of it charm when spawning in the state it is now. So I was wondering if all players who are currently building in Folva or thinking of settling on it would like to make a joined building.
Maybe just a gatehouse with room for a notice board for when we have that in the future?

You’re right. The capital of Folva is quite empty. I’m planning to play/build something somewhere but on my one that would be lonely. If some other players feel like joining in I would be soooo happy.

Bumping this post.
I am going to do ask James a capital beacon in my name so if you want to join me there please state your ingame name and I’ll let you add.
The only condition is that you actually help build or clear stuff or whatever :smile:

My ingame name is Doritius. I’ll help you for sure :wink:

I am totally in. Thought the same myself

made a start at clearing and currently building around the current beacon.
Beacon access have been asked

Folva capital cleaning up nicely



time to bump this again and call for a meeting to build together again. We can’t leave Capital unfinished now can we :smile:


no we really cant ^^ i will be there later this evening and start building again

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