Footfall And P2W - final solution


Need to remove coin based economy. Item for item trade is all we need. Footfall should be paid to beacon owners in basic resources like starberry and earthyam.
People tend to look for a currency anyway, so let them find it. What in-game item would have become the “currency”? My bet is on oort stone or oort shards. If not, then probably mud.

Since Boundles is full of P2W features, we might need to introduce some changes that even the playing field a bit.
Let players buy prestige for coin. Empty beacon, 1 plot: pay 1 euro (dollar etc.) for 1000 prestige. Lure people to your empty 1 million prestige beacon to get big city level footfall (if coins removed from game, that will get you life supply of starberry and earthyam; everyone wins!!)


I’ll trade you TWO quarters for your ONE dollar. Since two is bigger than one. Then, I will trade you THREE pennies, for your measly TWO quarters. Cause three is always bigger than two.


Devil’s advocate here and all, but most people will probably miss the little “joke” tag on the post. :stuck_out_tongue:


I was about to go on a rant about how footfall is fine as is and that im sick of people complaining about it until i read this. Cheers


But we don’t have starberry smoothies yet… (The ones that I totally wasn’t flashed to forget about) It would make more sense if we were paid in sap. Glue is so important, for crafting, that is. Glue can be the new universal currency…

Oh and animal glue has a rather pungent smell, so there’s that too…

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Did someone say FOOTFALL?!


My name is Peyago…and I have a belly button.


Make it beans and I’m all for it! :joy:

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The last thing this game needs is more earthyams.


I second an earthyam based economy.


I havent ever get prestige building. I think you should be rewarded for building, but i think coins are not the way.

Example for me.
i get around 10k / week from my beacons as footfall.
would i be mad if they would remove coins from it… no i wouldnt.

this subject is forever to be debated is it good or bad.
i wouldnt mind if you would get something else from footfall than coins.

i think it would actually increase the player to player trading. i like to trade. i dont rly care about coins. (and no im not giving my coins to you i prefer buy 5million mud with it ).

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Footfall… peanut butter… footfall… peanut butter… …

I just imagined strawberries spawning on the ground when it’s stepped on that the owner has to collect, then take those strawberries to a forge shop and buy some sweet hammers with them :smiley:

What if we could fuel our portals with organics? Stuff that portal full of earthyam and you’re good to go.

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Mr. Fusion for the win =D

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Wouldn’t be a good idea… I hear earthyams are being nerfed in a way…

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To be fair, they are a little OP right now.

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It’s a secret but I heard that the city of Axon is actually building a huge Earth yam storage facility. the rumor goes further saying there is Millions of the earth yams secretly being ushered into this facility for storage. Don’t tell anyone it’s a secret


Pretty sure I saw a shop pop up there selling iron pitchforks for 100 earthyams.


made my day

Like the one on Merika? lol
I haven’t been there recently, but they had a huge yam with like 100 shop stands full of them for sale :sweat_smile: