For the love of Oort

If the team has the capacity for adding 1 skin per time period T then you can also hold a community vote for most popular skin every time period T.

i.e. weekly or monthly votes for most popular skin to add.

edit: can also say that the votes must reach a reasonable threshold of supporters (i.e. at least X people must want a skin before it’s worth the dev time to implement.)

seems pretty fair to me


If you guys wanted to allow them, maybe let everyone know that some designs might be approved periodically and added into them game, when you’re able to (or along with updates?).

Would probably need to add verbiage that states something along the lines of:

  • if it meets quality standards
  • if it’s a complete design
  • the correct format/size
  • if they’ve provided you with a CC free use license for eternity

A lot of games do this (MC, Tr, Rb, etc), so most people are probably familiar with some designs being added/approved - while understanding that not all can/will be added.

ie: I know the t-shirt and jeans one I posted would not meet quality standards and would not be approved. If I know that there’s a chance it could be added to the game, I would make sure the design was up to par.


I agree with this. It’s not playing favorites. Some skins will look good and gain traction. Some won’t. But it’s clear people want more cosmetics and this would be a good way to get everyone involved. I think taking community ideas for skins would be a very positive thing that would help even draw in more new players.


I’m not against either of those options. I’m not sure how you go about doing them. Is there some kind of printable waiver of sorts? I’m not savvy on the the legality part but have no problem saying that the body paint file be public and free to be modified and all that. Whatever makes it legal on your end to add it to the game.

And for sure this will open the doors for more people to ask for there own. But you ultimately have the final word of what gets added.
You could have a forum thread for people posting body paints rather than message the devs. If they get enough likes you consider them for the contest. You get 10 or so for the contest and let the community vote with the devs on 1 or 2 to be added. Not all the time 1 or 2 times a year max. I think most would be for it. And I’m sure there’s a lot of fantastic artist that play this game would love to have something they’ve created added to the game including me. That’s why I created this body paint in the first place. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::raised_hands:

Edit. It is public domain now. I’ve waived all rights.

The ball is in your court now.


Since some folks recently brought up Warframe in another topic… Their TennoGen system is a very good example to look at for this kind of thing.

Players routinely submit cosmetics for community approval, and through a combination of mass appeal and internal quality standards those items are released onto the game’s market. They’re sold strictly for cash and can’t be purchased with in-game currency, but a 30% split of the revenue goes to the creator.

Encourages community involvement, generates revenue, and takes some pressure off of the dev team to be constantly churning out their own quality cosmetics. They’ve basically outsourced a massive chunk of the game’s cosmetics market.


This could be us. :heart::crossed_fingers::skull:image
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Then we need a dance emote too XD


I know that is quite different because paint are bought by cubits and stay in game, but I don’t see many differences on “favorite side” when you decide who can edit the Sanctum for an event or when you choice to promote the shop of the week. As others say you can make the community choose which paint would be added if match your standard.
I feel that is awesome to see the community involved in things like that.
My 2c


If a skin is CC can you charge cubits for it? Since they are both earned and paid.

Doubt Georgio would sue you. But probably best to have artists sign their work over to WS completely (going beyond CC), no?

Disclaimer: I’m a scientist not a lawyer

As to playing favorites, do skins cause a performance hit by loading? Not sure how they load in and out of memory. Could everyone have their own skin if they wanted?

Too late it’s public domain. I have no rights over it anymore. And yes it can be used commercially as stated in the public domain contract I signed.


Ah ok I only really have experience with ShareAlike

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I have no experience signing away my art. This is a first for me. I hope I didn’t do it for nothing as that would be quite disappointing.


Even if you public domain something that generally doesn’t take away your rights, unless you explicitly do so. You can continue to grant other rights too usually. Also if you update it, that’s new IP.

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In the future, what about updating the EULA to include ownership restrictions over created/modded game content etc.



So technically James owns all our plots


Then James owns DK Mall. People should start messaging him for sign changes then :joy:


Ty vex, I was obviously too lazy to read it before :thinking:


Me still trying to get this skeleton body paint in like :point_down:
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include them all easy peazy