For the overall creativity of a game such as this, the current plot system doesn't work

I 100% agree. I find I have very little time to play as life has its demands that always come first. It has taken a long time to get where I am sometimes just playing 15 minutes at a time. If I had to grind a bunch to keep my beckons alive I would have to give up one of my projects instead of expanding like I want to.
I feel the reason we need fule in the first place is to keep the landscape clean. Adding a higher fule cost for larger plots dose not affect abandoned beckons in any way. It just makes for more work.


I think the footfall system should also help to get fuel for larger builds ā€¦ if you have a large cool building people will come visit it ā€¦ then you get money ā€¦ for that you can get fuel. May be we get a direct funktion to directly injecting the footfall to the beaconā€™s fuel tank. That would help to finance such big beacons as well.

For managing fuels and beacons we could get a high end tech terminal which is connected to your beacons ā€¦ when you have it, all gets easy, and if you cannot make it find someone who has the skill :wink:

I also think that the costs for beacons should scale with size, but not much ā€¦ like mentioned above. Something like: ā€¦

1 plot - 1 unit/day
10 plots - 3 units/day
100 plots - 10 units/day

ā€¦ and high fuel gets you 10+ units per block, so that Endgame gives you enough opportunity to get the stuff in big enough charges ā€¦ or at least trade for them :wink:


I actually think the fuel cost should DECREASE with beacon size as it encourages fewer larger beacons rather than lots of small beacons all over the place which encourages bigger building.

If fuel cost increased with size, youd immediately game it anyways by just putting lots of small beacons together which is both annoying for the player and worse for the games performance.


Well if scaled properly, having many single or small beacons would be extremely expensive compared to one large beacon that has a higher fuel requirement.

I am a bit in the same situation. I want to progress but canā€™t spend hours although I log in and play 30 min every day. I donā€™t want to log on only to gather resources as it will take all te fun out of the game for me.


i agree, even if the fuel cost have small difference people still tend to go always for the cheaper/easier solution. getting all the plots and building that massive building takes so much effort already that even with the current system i always go for the smallest possible size.

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1st I want to make clear I am not in the game yet and therefore I have no experience about the beacons and their functioning, but this is a sensitive topic for me personally.

I think this is a matter of economics, Yes we are talking about space but also about peopleā€™s desires, and this alone makes it and economic issue.
I have given a lot of thought into this as I have a huge preference for massive builds myself and I think the solution could come with 2 things that could work together:

  1. Bigger beacons, more squares of land per beacon. As it is there are players already placing stairs or other stuff outside their plots because of their size. Bigger plots would encourage both, creativity and permanence, the easier and more satisfying your build is, the more likely you will remain active in the game, which is the main reason for beacon fuel.
  2. Lower fuel costs directly depending on activity. The more time you spend on the game, the less beacon fuel you spend. The less time you spend on the game, the more costly itā€™ll be to mantain your beacons.
    And this ratio could be adjusted on a monthly basis, I think anyone can either plan a month ahead for vacations and such, or have good friends to baby sit your plotsā€¦ Even a ā€œsitterā€ system could be placed into it.
    Just my thoughts, againā€¦ I am not in the gameā€¦ YET

Interesting ideas. Perhaps beacons could only consume fuel while offline? As this would reduce costs based directly on play time. Just a thought

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I think itā€™s better to not over-complicate things with conditional rules like ā€œonly burns fuel when offlineā€. Rather instead find a balance that fits well for the the most cases.

If reducing fuel costs for more active players is a thing that the devā€™s decide needs to happen, the best approach I think would be to grant a small amount of beacon fuel along with objective completion rewards.

Ex: gather 10 wood- complete! Gained x coin, y experience, z fuel.


I think the devs had said that fiel would be easy to come by like wood Trunks, leaves ir something like thatā€¦ But I would like everyone to seriously ponder on the bigger beacon idea :wink:

Having bigger beacons doesnā€™t suit well with me. World is already sorted in a grid, so increasing the beacon will have to be in increments that make sense with the world grid.

It will be much better and easier to just up the amount of plots you get.

After all higher tier backers receive more beacon claimage, which to me seems like more plots, rather than bigger beacons.


Had not seen it like that, I agree, up the plot amount. Thanks Dzchan !!! I very much look forward to playing with you guys !

Yes, but thatā€™s placeholder stuff for now. If they decide to go for a unique item or fuel source, they could simply distribute it in small amounts like I suggested as supplementary fuel for active users.