One of my favorite things to do in voxel-based games such as these is to create large, ornate builds. I also love to create mazes, and I want to create an enormous maze somewhere close to PixelGate, and have a prize at the end for those who can navigate it.
However, in the current state of the game with the current plot system, such a thing simply cannot happen. Plots are small, and after maxing mining, plots become incredibly scarce. ~150-200 plots just isn’t enough for players to have more than one large base of operations.
Are there any plans in the works to give us more ways to gain plots, or just increase the overall amount of plots players can have? Is the current plot system the end-goal plot system, or a temporary one?
I’m just voicing my frustrations here, and I’m curious if others feel the same way. I want to be constructive about this.
the plot system is currently changed on the testing system, where you recieve plots through completing objectives, rather than individual profession’s actions.
this includes the tutorial. i believe this is put forward in a way for infinite plots, but slower progression. there are daily quests, and weekly quests (with a larger payout) that you can do for coins and plots.
There is the concept of player owned worlds … this could be linked to the core worlds (and then managed with common rules and mat distributions) or disconnected (to be joined but without being able to take progress and mats back to the core worlds), which then are more open for changes. I think IF there will be a way to get so many plots it may be over an own world made with settings by yourself.
Well, the current system is just a place holder. I believe many things on Boundless aren’t final, but developed ideas. In the future, you’ll have the possibility to have “infinite plots”, doesn’t mean everyone will have as much as they want to, but that everyone doesn’t cap at a certain amount, and there’ll be ways to earn more.
Take in mind, that what you’re proposing seems more like something a guild or a end game player would do. True enough many people playing for hours, run into the problem of running out of plots. But that’s why it’s important to test the updates, to offer our feedback. At 260 plots or something close, I feel capped out. But I’ve built a lot already.
I understand that many things in Boundless aren’t final. I know what Early Access is meant to be. That’s why I asked about the system, and whether or not it was a placeholder. (Your words were better.)
Well this system is quite limited, that’s for sure. Building huge structures is basically not possible on your own, even if you can affort mining all the materials (@Dzchan94). Our project in PG - Boundless Temple - was supported by many people who donated plots. 640 plots in total. I think the main goal of this game is to build cities, civilization… together!
I personally vote for the unlimited plots unlocked by daily/weekly objectives so dedicated players can play and progress without having to create alts.
I agree with this and would like to see an increase of plots gained through the progression trees for now until 1.0 is released. If building is one of the most advanced features finished we should be able to do a lot of it and not run out of plots. Although it needs to be tied to progression still to avoid abuse.
I also think there don’t has to be a hard limit for plots, but keep in mind that all beacons need fuel and I think the size of the beacons will be a factor for the price per week/time period, I don’t think that this should be very limiting, but having over 1000 plots should be a rare exception or at least need some hard income for financing itself (not impossible because of the footfall system )
Why would the size of the beacons be a factor in how much fuel is needed? The entire point of the upcoming beacon fuel system is to keep players playing at least once in a while, and if they don’t, they lose their beacons and plots so we don’t have random abandoned beacons littering the world. It doesn’t have to do with people who have played hundreds of hours and accumulated hundreds of plots. Why should they be punished?
I absolutely think that the more plots connected to single beacon, the more fuel that beacon should require to stay active. That just makes sense. A single plot portal building I add to a planet should not take as much time or as many resources as my main beacon that contains 100 plots. It Shouldn’t be 100x the resources/time, but it should be more.
My problem with that is that you then have to manage all of that fuel cost. The more plots you lay, the more of your gameplay you have to devote to just acquiring fuel. The only remedy for that is to have fuel come in greater quantities at higher levels. This causes it’s own set of problems.
I would rather see fuel upkeep be consistent across all levels of gameplay. Let players focus on awesome builds without being constantly preoccupied with ever increasing fuel costs.
Making huge builds, already requires gathering the plots and materials. I don’t feel like adding increasing fuel costs will help the intrinsic aspects of making a huge build.
If anything, it harms the idea of someone staring something, that might take months to thing and make, being preoccupied at making the fuel, instead of finishing it. With so many incurred costs. It might stop someone from even starting it.
I still disagree. I think if you only have one plot, it should such a small amount of fuel required it almost doesn’t matter. And the amount needed should increase slowly. Maybe <5% of the current total would be added per beacon. (Just a random % off the top of my head)
But I really don’t like the idea of paying the same price for one plot that I would pay for 100 plots. It wouldn’t feel right to me. If you want to own more land, it should cost more to maintain. And if youre going to be able to collect enough fuel to keep them alive for extended periods of time than it won’t be a constant grind. You will just need to do so every so often to maintain fuel levels.
For example
If one plot costs 1 fuel per day, than 100 plots should not cost 1 fuel per day.
However, 100 plots should not cost 100 fuel either. It should require 10 or so. A system like this wouldn’t make the fuel cost all that different, but would require someone to do a bit more work if they want to have more. I think this is needed in a game where you can potentially gain infinite plots and can control any land anywhere. This will also encourage players to work together to more easily maintain larger builds. Although it would still be doable as a solo player with a bit more work.
Although fuel costs could perhaps be reduced by leveling builder
Or by assainging attribute points into reducing fuel costs.
Then if you choose to go that route, one could significantly reduce the amount of fuel required for their beacons.
I understand and agree with both sides of the debate.
I don’t want to have to increase my costs a ton just because I build big (I really REALLY build bit a lot) and if I have to grind the materials, I surely don’t want to grind the fuel.
But then I also agree with the idea of increasing charges due to logic. Maybe base it off of prestige instead of plot size. Base prestige sets a specific number, and the prestige bonus decides how much you pay of that
I feel like the fuel system already proposed by the devs will handle all cases well enough. Higher tiers of fuel will cost more and and work longer. Lower tier fuels will cost less and last less. So more advanced players will seek to pay more for better fuels, bit at the same time you won’t have to dedicate large portions of time/currency to maintain.