For those considering on quitting the game

You can always come build with me.


I can build for a couple of hours before I get bored.
I build better when I’m having a manic episode :see_no_evil:


I just build and do hunts and randomly visit an exo or two to break up the monotony.


I did quit playing, but that’s because everything I built was with my now ex wife. Her stuff has gone to reclaim and only I remain, and I long to return but it just hasn’t been the right time yet.

None of me leaving or not returning has to do with the state of development or community size.


Sorry you are going through the wringer, see you come back soon.


That’s really rough.
You were one of the more experienced players that I met early on. Back in the days when I was looking at this game in awe…


Host outlived you xD

About any junk I have in reclaim - Nah I’m good. This is like my liver, my eyeballs, when I die - that’s nacho cheese and I’m taking it with me. Besides, nothing is that difficult to get in this game, therefor “waste” is a bit of a strong term imo. …Farming mats gives you nerds something to do.

Boundless was special. It’s a real shame to see such a lack of fortitude from the folks in charge. The degradation of the initial idea of Oort Online, which - wasn’t it crowdfunded? And they made another game? …From then, to the not-recent-at-all full stop on development and subsequent obfuscation of all details…

It’s obvious when I state for the record that completely unpaid teams of volunteers have done more with their passion projects than James’ crew and this new ‘whoever’ - EVER have, in the same amounts of time. Hell there are patently worse games that have come WAY farther than Boundless ever did in the same amount of time, to the point of being fun to play now, while boundless is still a super solid START of something awesome that’s been left to rot… Whatever IS being done here is being masked and hidden from us, and from that there is only one thing that’s clear: the game is going nowhere.

I like the game enough for what it is - but that just doesn’t sit right with me, the fact that WS/M are going to add paid worlds in the time since I’ve started playing, actually get paid a bit at least, then continue their super secret dance thinking they can string people along while the game lacks in almost every way. It doesn’t take years to change ownership, and if you are done working on the game - tell us you’re done working on the game. Heart Emojis, put it on life support, thank us all for our involvement and move on. There is no reason why they couldn’t make some update, small update, if they are ACTUALLY WORKING on the game. No Reason!

This is just a small rebuff and chin-check to yall cope smokers who imagine people like me crying and getting all depressed about the state of the game, as if that’s the only reason anyone would quit playing. No - some of us are just adults who expect to be treated like we have brains and experience to know when we are being lied to. WS/M didn’t have to lie to kick it, but that’s what they chose to do, and I don’t like being lied to, not even by omission.

I signed in mainly to tease Prozee since he was PM’ing random people gossip like a grade schooler. But now he’s moving on, ain’t that sweet. Have fun yall


at least some of us legends are still here, I miss some of the works like Visions once did


clap friends


People have their reasons for leaving and staying, please don’t patronize or tease anyone on both fronts, have the respect for people on their decisions, thanks.

This is an awesome game but it’s what it makes/enables people to create and the wonder of witnessing it that makes it a place I will be grieving whenever it is that Steam really stops working for older Mac users (had a big scare recently but it’s just unsupported).