Forger/Crafters Tool Buff

Possibly a buff for using tools crafted or forged by yourself, giving people incentive to learn forging or crafting as they could make better tools easier for themself.


Another cute way this could go, is that you get accustomed to tools made by a certain person. If you used 100 tools forged by A and 10 forged by B, you would get a small buff using tools from A relative to B. This doesn’t do purely what u suggest in terms of giving people incentives to forge or craft, but indirectly does, since you can always trust yourself to provide yourself with tools :stuck_out_tongue:

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I have questions:

  1. Why you think that there needs to be an incentive to learn to forge? Surely if someone wants to, they will.
  2. If it’s because people never try it, then this isn’t the solution. Surely this is more of an incentive to continually forge your own stuff as opposed to learning to do it to see if you like it?
  3. Doesn’t this go against the game’s philosophy of attempting to have a functioning economy, as it specifically incentivises doing it yourself over buying from others.

Just brainstorming ideas to try and help the devs come up with incentives for people to try out every part of the game. With the low amount of people willing to forge, maybe when more people forged for themselves, they would sell more tools also. And people could find more shops easier.

If there is a problem with players being willing or wanting to forge compared to other activities in game, then maybe the issue is the forge and not the players. Maybe forging needs to be looked at and the reasons players do not forge specifically identified. Maybe forging needs to be changed to make it more attractive to players or alternatives need to be developed.

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Maybe, but there are also those who like me, have never forged once in the game at all. I see nothing wrong with the system, i just don’t wanna do it. I hate crafting in all games. I’d rather gather or go socialize. Making it simpler would not effect my opinion at all. But incentives maybe not for you, do work for other people. So someone low lvl just starting would have an easier time gathering with the tools they make while learning the game, or those who specialize could make top tier, and then get an added buff to go slightly beyond what people just buying them get.

As a non forger/crafter, im all for those who did the work of learning it and doing it for me to have a personal bonus.

Not feeling overwhelmingly inspired to forge… except when really forged to, and then it feels like a chore( for me at least… )
Reasons I feel that way:

  • The Gums at times feels complete useless, add 4x… still get 2 boons in other categories before the category you selected… ? I know it is an increased chance… but the frequency of different categories coming in first seems high.
  • Initial boon of X, deconstruct. Same initial boon, decon… same initial boon… same initial boon… decon… (and so on… ) Feels like some boons in a category has a higher chance of happening ?
  • Boon Removal Solvent, my first expectation of that… is remove it… but when you get the same boon back multiple times in a row from it… There is the Boon Transmute Solvent ofc… but still would have expected the boon removal to not throw the exact same boon back at me ( or simply not add any back at all if the sliders ran )
  • The Mouse over tool tip (no click) is… very dated. A shorthand version of AoE(4), Dmg(4),Magnet(3)… Just something really, that would make identifying the different forged items easier and less of a hazzle
  • The forge output queue now stacks when possible, could be mitigated with the point above this line.
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While I understand your point, I could argue that forgers get a bonus already in having an item to sell that many players including you and myself (although for different reasons) do not want to craft or cannot craft due to skill limitations. If they are not already incentivized by an item with high demand and price, then is a buff really going to do it? Maybe, but I am not convinced. And do we start adding buffs for all the items where supply seems to not be keeping up with demand? Do we add a buff for a player that uses Oort they hunted in their portals?

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I only suggested forging because nothing else actually takes learning in the game, everything else is “this item and this item make this”. No skill for anything else other than how much mats can you get.

Forging take practice and learning a technique, not drag and drop like the rest of crafting.

Fair enough. I printed off the 20 page or so guide to forging. Something that is not needed for anything else in the game.

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