Forging more things

I was having a conversation with friend of mine and we eventually got into talking about how to make shops more unique instead of being Prime location=$. Something that furthers uniqueness for foods or brews and whatever else may be around. Why not add more complexity to the consumables? You could craft them specially and make something like, damage with a little action speed brews based on either something like materials or the forging situation. It would give those smaller shops more of a chance to get people. As is, everyone sells foods and the only way to get someone to show up to your store is to undercut and undercutting can only get so far. So if you can provide lots of uniqueness to the consumables as well I think that would be awesome to fiddle around with :smiley: instead of making things like you would for forging, just have raw materials that can provide better specs that way you can’t get “the best” at all times because there are limits to what can be made. And with this, adding like “high quality” of raw materials. Or maybe instead of normal quality and high quality, there would be like, for example, grade X raw meat. On a scale of maybe, 1-1000 so that way creatures on higher planets are possibly more likely to give better quality stuff! :slight_smile: just some thoughts on expanding the markets to be more unique


I agree, we need a brewery machine that functions similarly but not the same as the centraforge. Just more uniqueness for sold items in general


This is a good idea, and I think it would have the desired effect.
Only this morning I sought out a specific shop, as someone on here had mentioned they sold the forged light 12m (offhand) tools. I’m now the proud owner of a forged spanner! And have 5 points of skills (no longer needed for the light epic) to use elsewhere. Whoop!


Yeah those torchtools are awesome hehe. Might be difficult to get the balance right, but would be very interesting! Although it shouldnt get to the point where you need a super soup forger to get any use out of foods… maybe add spices made from ground up organs, leafs (yeah leaves, but i mean the LEAFs not folliage), beans and or amalgams…

As for the undercutting with current shops- no need, just buy from/sell to BCON BRGR for the best deals on the best meals!
-shameless self plug


My name is Riley, and BCON BRGR is my favorite shop on the citadel!


As the owner of a kitchen, I’ve been thinking along the same lines. Looking at the crafting tree, I’ve already maxed out at level 5. Unlike some of the other trees, which are maxed out at level 3 but has the potential for level 5. So I’ve kinda hit my “endgame” in this crafting tree.

My only caveat to adding forge like mechanics to brewery/food is that it shouldn’t be so complicated. I’ve watched Jivita’s forging video 5x and I sitll don’t get what’s going on. I don’t mind the RNGness. It makes forging one of, if not the only trade that can’t be min/maxed like the others. And that’s why forgers can be in business for a bit longer than the rest of us.

One thing I would caution is that there is major balance issue here. Because the use of forged-food + forged weapons/tools can too overpowering. So you’d have to add in some sort of negative multiplier to help offset the overpowering potential of said combo.


Inb4 - food forge defects include heartburn, weight gain, allergies and choking. Quirks include hiccups, cravings and the post-snack-nap.