Forging Problem

Ich try to Forge only the AOE Boon on a Titan Hammer.
Did the following Steps:

2x Special Gum
Pure Boon Compound 1-3 until i get the AOE Boon and it reaches level 4
Setting Resin

Now i ended up with a Titan Hammer that has the AOE but also -600 DMG

Where is that -600 coming from?

AOE reduces the damage to a percentage of the total as follows


lvl 4 aoe is just 40% the damage of the non-aoe variant.

Boundless Damage Calculator is the tool to use to see what the resulting damage will be with X boons

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Yeah the higher the rank of aoe, less percentage of damage is applied to each block.
So you would want to balance it by getting the Devastating Damage boon on there too

Ok, thank you.
Then i have to put an damage boon on that hammer too


Yea, the usual combination is AOE + Damage + Durability or Speed

For the start to make the forging as easy as possible it is good to let slip in any 3rd boon which is not “Special” or “Effect” category. With that you can then better target the main two: AOE and Damage.

Devastating Damage Lvl6. mitigates the 60% loss on titanium hammer.

Note that while your AoE tool damage per block goes down, the total damage dealt actually increases.
Since the tool stats show damage per block, you also see it decreasing after applying AoE boon of any type.

Thanks everybody. I’ll try that later at Home,

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Pls post your success when you get a chance to do it! It’s always fun to see folks getting in to forging and watching them become successful with it.

Taking your Advice i ended up with the following

i did only get lvl 5 on damage befor the stability got to 5, but i think its ok :slightly_smiling_face:

So i took my Ruby Hammer that i made and gave it a try and Ended with this:

I only used Effect and Special Gum, Pure Boon 1+3 and that Reduktion Gum

So for this 2 trys im very pleased :grin:


Also remember to ID the forged item with your miner spec/hammer/dmg character for the full damage available.

Nice work, that’s a great start! A few more forges and you’ll be getting even better stats!! The forge is fun if your patient and keep trying :+1:

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