Free camera mode when building

I’d like to see a free camera mode that allows us to watch someone build. I was watching Minecraft Timelapse videos and it’s great seeing the camera moving around while they build. I think this would also help promote the game because video content creators would be able to post their (timelapse) builds to Youtube thus allowing for free promotion of the game


This would be so helpful! It’s hard to show the large builds - I always hope there is a tree nearby or something, but a spectator camera view or something would be amazing. I really like the one in NMS.


I’ve always felt this was a great idea to this type of request for a camera…


Yes please!!@

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Big like for this one. I thought grappling to a temporary hangman pole could give me sweeping shots of my build, but the grapple is always in the corner sparkling away like the 4th of July.

Been wanting footage to make a video of my build to a chill hip hop instrumental but I shelved that until we have better options.

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That would be absolutely amazing. How can we fast track that idea to reality? Would instantly be a better feature than anything you get from taming MC creatures. That’s the type of thing they could include in the trailer and people would be like “siiiick”

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huge like! i wanna do free camera on hunts.