Yo yo yo, TechStomper here with another Boundless video where i realize a “goal” for now with this series This one involves u typing in the comments so as always i love people watching this so WATCH IT xD jk jk but really enjoy!!
Sorry my friend but it’s definitely a light faded purple color, not blue.
Thank you!!!
Igneous appears to me to be at the blue end of the purple spectrum.
It’s just semantics though. There’s a lot of crossover with blues and purples.
There’s for sure a more prevalent purple color to it. Purple holds the mix of red and blue, so there’s no shame in seeing tones of blue. But I see more purple than anything.
I’m with @Dzchan94 on this. Purple is mix of blue and red, so it can be more bluish than reddish
Here’s a simple red to blue gradient, and all tones in between are purple.
I didn’t a colour picker website on a picture of it.
It gave values in RGB values. 0-255 I believe.
Red: 190, Green: 190, Blue: 211
ok ok guys it’s a bluish purple xD shesh hahaha
lol I like this guy . Now just stop swearing in your videos so I can watch with my nephew
. He’s a big boundless fan but can only watch a few boundless videos because of all the cussing. I like your style and sense of humor though.
A word of caution, swearing may also get your youtube videos de-monetized. Just saying.
Lol no it wont XD idk why people think this…swearing jn my case is completely fine plus not like im in it to make money right now i am just trying to grow my channel and entertain
Yeah…would me bleeping the swears out be fine? Cause swearing has become such a natural thing it would take awhile for.me not to swear
Bleeping them out definitely helps .
ok that’s good cause yeah bleeping them out would take less effort then just not swearing on my part hahaha
I don’t mean to try and change you at all either. You by no means have to change anything about your channel. I just want you to know that your humor and style is entertaining and you could potentially have a larger (younger) viewer base without the swearing. Thanks for being so cool about this too. ️
naw it’s what ever xD i’ll just bleep the swears…that aint really changing me xD
also i’m pretty sure swearing doesn’t stop younger viewers hahaha i mean look at Markiplier, Jackseptice and just on and on and on xD but it’s cool