Future of my world roads

I think it is good that you did own topic about roads because it is something that affects us.

I have built in Shedu Tier one road that just mean to be road, reason isn’t merge of settlements, reason was to have easy way walk thru rocks, over water and avoid ice. Nobody hasn’t ever contacted to me that it would be good or bad service so I have just let it be there as possible service for players.

New update with current rules will make that building illegal. That one is for me to easy to remove from world because it doesn’t contain anything fancy blocks, if it would like some people roads have, it would be much more painful to do it.
…Still I used time to build that road and make tunnels, so in future if I need to build something similiar I just need to plot more footnote that restricts other players more :confused:

No ppl have to spec for that you know this and portal is not a priority spec as you know.

Bottom line - if you have the plots, you’ve EARNED them and can do whatever you want except PM someone and say, “Hahaha I’m griefing you!!!”

I would prefer roads to be elevated 1 plot above the terrain so that natural plants can still be harvested, but that’s just my 1c of advice. And I love bridges, especially on lava worlds.

Do what you enjoy and have fun!


vertical messiness has no effect, it is only the top-down shape that has to be compact

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New update with current rules will make that building illegal.

Why illegal? Roads will simply become useless for those who abuse them for their own benefit, that’s all.

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Or we can leave sht alone like it is tyvm and YOU adapt!


I agree that people should not be forced to merge if they dont want to.
But we dont have a way to accept or decline new beacons to a settlement.

walid or not this is boundless make big or small projects whatever keeps you going :slight_smile:


I do agree this would be useful and solve a lot of problems.


if deemed as abuse by a mod they will be removed

Dont forgot once there are too many uncompact plots you cant plot more unless the plots your adding would make it more compact

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In new system on testing it is not possible to plot “snake” like my 1 plot wide road. And existing beacons like that will broadcast notice messages to me and game moderators. So I have understood it will be valid reportable structure in-game which can lead one-sided remove from game.

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Wait, WHAT??? They’re changing it so you can’t have a long stretch of plots now?!??!?

It seems to me that each case should be considered separately and based on the opinion of the players. Now I can come to you and ask, " Hey, can I line up next to your road? Can we modify it a little?"It will be much more pleasant and useful
In modern reality, i do not have such hopes)

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Majorvex has detailed info on this post. This only happens when there is empty space around (snake plotting on wilderness)

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thats my thinking thus the makeing of this post

That is what I am doing for people who ask if they can connect^^ event tho I dont have protection on :heart: t:

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It might not be a bad idea to read this

tldr:if a beacon is too uncompact (spread out) it wont generate footfall and cant expand further until its made compact enough again


i think roads llike this dividing planets should be banned becouse sooner or later they blocking someones expansion


Yeah but thats kinda vague to me anyway. Ok what if I have a road and its all plotted but not fully built does it remove my plots that are unfinished does it stop me from laying bricks?

What if my road is all one beacon with my city does some of it get removed if I dont have enough prestige? Im just not getting the compactness because to me compactness means it all has to be in one giant area that would not accommodate any roads outside your base city. So yeah this is clear as mud so of course ppl have reason to be upset/worried

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If beacon has been longer around, that is not really intentionally blocking expanding. There is also much to space expand below and above ground on existing plotted area :slight_smile:

I was mostly replying to Krollbar, who from their reply sounded like they had no idea these changes where happening