Game crashes when trying to join a server

Is it possible to install the 15.7 drivers?

Just did that 5 min ago … maybe it didnt install properly i’ll try to run the game after the installation

Still doesnt work

(message says: A problem occured the program will be shut down)

I see this after I have clicked a world to sellect

Have you tried both the 15.7.1 and the 15.8 beta drivers, with both the DirectX11 beta and the default OpenGL versions of Oort. Give all 4 combinations a try.

If this doesn’t work, you might need to wait until the next update. Hopefully this will help.

It all doesn’t work ): do you have any idea how long that might take ? is it like 1 week or 2 months

ohh and one last thing is there a file for the options ? or is there a way to change settings before entering a world ?

It’ll be live ASAP. Likely early next week.

“O” for options - but not sure if this is accessible before entering a world.

It is not ): maybe a nice feature ? is there a file in the directory that has the settings in it like a .txt or something like that

Not easily.

For the time waiting for the bug to be fixed you can try to play the game on GA.ME, the Web platform where you can play Oort in the browser. Not the best solution, but good enough to make some first steps :wink:

I think you should already have the account there through making one in steam (if not @james will surely correct me here :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )


You can play in the browser assuming you have already played via Steam.

The browser, desktop game and forum all share the same sign in credentials. The browser version is accessible here.

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Is the game working for you now?

On the browser the game works fine its the steam version that crashes.
Thats for the browser tip :slight_smile:

Ok thanks for letting us know. Hopefully next update via steam will work for you.