Game crashing alot

That does make it seem like it’s not a hardware issue. Would’ve been simpler if it was :sweat_smile: I’ve got no more ideas, weird that it’s just the one PC it keeps crashing on. I’d probably make a temporary windows install if possible, to see if it’s a windows problem.

But the game isn’t crashing like this for anyone else. So there is something about your machine and / or setup and Boundless that is failing.

I still suspect it’s a system issue.

Given you have a second machine (and if you were up for it) you could try switching a few things around. Or try disabling things. Audio for example.

Is your machine overclocked?

Anything non-standard about your setup? Fancy keyboard or mouse or controller?

What other software is running? A.V.? VPN? Anything you can disable temporarily?

When you look at your system monitor what is happening with your ram when the failure happens?

Can you try reducing the graphics settings to minimum? The game does use quite a bit of VRAM when meshing the worlds.

Definitely try deleting your chunk cache - whilst unlikely it could contain a corruption.

We need to try isolating things to see what is triggering the crash.

My cpu yes, runs stable, never had an issue
my gpu runs stock (aftermarket tho)
edit: ram runs xmp at 3200

corsair keyboard and mouse, just disabled the icue software, start playing, 10min later crash

none except for the standard windows security

I don’t run the game maxed out and have 11gig vram, already tried lower settings last week

Think I already tried that one, can do it again, btw what’s recommend setting for a ‘decent’ system? It’s on 4 (standard) now I guess

I’d always set the chunk cache to maximum.


What’s this then?

I build this sytem 9 months ago, played alot of different (kind) games on it, sometimes 12-14h a day without any problems. Always with the same OC. It only crashes on Boundless. Yesterday I played 3 other games for 2h each on 3 different platforms (steam/uplay/EGS) without crashes, so for me that’s never.