Gasan town looking for builders

Alrighty so as you know i am looking for builders for the town on Gasan, its a medieval theme, the theme is already set so its mostly copying but im looking for people with skype who are interested in helping i am basically hoping to get a list of names so i can send to devs to add to my beacon but i will be up all night if you want to visit the town currently and skype.

Skype: decalebomg

only add me if you want to help and can stick to a theme and are able to do labour work aka landscaping or tree cutting

if you want to visit before adding here are the co ords. 1180, 81, -1378

Look forward to visitors


Good luck, can’t wait to see it. :3

Hey there. I’m not sure I can help actively sinse I have my own building going, but I’ll do what I can if you’re interested :slight_smile:

whats your ign again?

Whats your ign again

The same - Lilem. You visited me on Cshrime, and then I visited you too.

visited this morning, looking good

Im in: Im on the bigger island right now. add mrmicrospy as collaborator im in school right now and will ad you when im home