Gathering Epic EXP PLEASE

Ah I remember hearing about that. Gathering with a shovel and getting xp. Wasn’t it xp exploit reasons they didn’t add it?

I remember something along that line; someone planting stuff then going thru portals then mining… but can’t remember exactly so didn’t want to speculate (randomly slippery memory here)

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Just make it give exp on exos or something then, idk, it’s not fair that it is ruined for everyone because there was an exploit, it feels like a really lazy fix


People were gathering plants then putting them in their house, popping an XP pie and whacking them.

It wasn’t really even an exploit and didn’t really need a nerf IMO

It was indeed a lazy fix

I wouldn’t call it a lazy fix, more of a band aid until they are able to fix the issue appropriately. If they just focused on fixing all the exploits in the game then they wouldnt be working on sovereign/creative worlds right now probably. Prioritizing quality updates is more important to me. I agree getting xp from plant gathering needs to give xp, but it needs to be done correctly.


I remember complaining about this about a year ago and can’t believe it hasn’t been addressed in some way or another:

Takes a few hours to fix

It’s been more than a year

Definition of lazy fix imo

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How do we know this would only take a few hours to fix?

I’m not a game designer or coder


Every game has exploits and people make utube video get a ton of followers all trying to learn the latest tricks. Boundless really don’t have many real exploits. Be kinda cool to see a few

Lines of code: 15-25
Time to type the fix: 15mins
Coming up with a way to fix the core issue without introducing new bugs, wildly disturbing balance or opening the gates for abuse/cheese: Priceless.

Jk. But in all reality the concept is the hardest part to keep everyone happy without making more trouble.

Exploits what exploits…:shushing_face:

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I used to love those priceless commercials :rofl:

I feel the devs have it in the list to be fixed correctly. I definitely don’t feel what they do is lazy in anyway. We have a great game to play and enjoy and take our minds of the real worlds problems we all may have.

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No, I don’t think the devs themselves are lazy, it’s definitely a bad bandaid if that’s what it is. I could come up with a few solutions if necessary, why not disable gathering exp in beacons, why not track them for a day or two to make sure they’re not being abused if they are being placed in a beacon, why not (fancy) tie it to exploration so the more you explore the higher the experience you get when you gather?



Also this is me just trying to edit XML files with notepad++


Didn’t like the change, but there was an exploit (or at least a massive amount of cheese).

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I love seeing timescales and expectations of how long things take from non-developers :joy:
If things were all that easy, we’d all be game developers instead of players lol

What type of plants are you gathering? and is it that you are getting no XP for gathering, or too little compared to time spent?


30min to get level for action that can be easy automated sounds kind of slow.


They mean gathering using the epic, so no exp at all. Yes, you can then take those plants and bash them for orbs/lamella etc and get the exp, but if you intend to keep them as decorations you get nothing.


Why don’t they have it give less xp for placing them multiple times like it does for building blocks. If I lay down tons of gleam and brick. And then remove it. And then place it again. And then remove it. You don’t just keep getting XP, why can’t that same concept be applied to the plants??