Gellis and the progress of Host's workshop!

ill post pictures here of my progress as requested by some friends.
it is going to take a bit longer than expected to finish xD


Great work so far

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Thank you!

Currently live :green_circle:

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Currently in the pub lol… refueling my body



We are doomed bois Host is here :sob: :rofl: :fire:

Good luck and welcome to the awesome Gellis!


thank you! I never thought that it had such nice areas, and the colors are amazing that for sure
(for someone who is colorblind)

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so I’ve added 1 row of machines so far… there are 5 more rows to go.

on the back of the wall (where the titanium is) I will hide my spark generators and add storage behind each machine wall.

i cannot believe it that I’m just roughly 5% in of completing it

the ceiling to go and still 75% of the floor to be done.
and then in the middle more and more machines.

I would like to invite everyone to be part of the project! feel free to build next to me
I also have a few friends already starting! let us make Gellis awesome!

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Funny you mention this. Some time ago I had the old common idea of having a straight road that spans the entire planet and crosses the important places: Hubs, islands, houses, etc. Obviously before building it, it must be planned to be sure everyone on its way has no problem with it. It can be built with nice yet inexpensive blocks so everyone can plot/own and build the chunk that passes by their base. For variety, it can go over houses (bridge) or under them (tunnels) as long as it’s straight. Idk though if this is still feasible with the compactness update. Was just an idea as running on roads is way easier than on rough terrain. I also don’t know how that affects settlements names and what not.

Happy to see more people on Gellis though!

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exactly this, I communicate with those nearby and connect only if they want to.
how about you how far are you from me? we could connect!
and a good way is to let them plot up the border of the buffer, and put a beacon in between for connection, this way if the disconnection is required, all you need to do is remove the beacon.

and how about an underground highway? or some sort of tunnel system underground connecting each build that would be cool too that you also mentioned

I am not sure as I haven’t been to your place yet but I am on a floating island over a lake of some sort. If you can see it in the sky, then we’re close enough :grin:.

Upon thinking of it, I like your idea more. Underground has a different theme to it (since most builds are on the surface) and it doesn’t ruin any surface views (if people care about that). Hmm.

that the whole reason i went underground, i wanted to go sky high but then again, it would create a gigantic shadow below haha

I have to admit, I’m not a fan of roads like that. You would have to ask every current and future player if they have a problem with it, since those roads go through lots of potential good building sites that can’t be used by someone looking to find a spot. Even if said person would go through the trouble of finding a mailbox and ask for the removal (or taking ownership) of the part of the road, you run into problems. What if said player doesn’t want ownership, but removal? Do you go around them then? These things only work with a low player base and only because thankfully not a lot of people are doing it. I’m also pretty sure having read that one reason for the beacon compactness system were such roads and that they were not welcomed by the previous owners of the game.

Having said that, I’ve seen at least one of those roads on a sovereign planet (where these builds should be imho), and it was somewhat cool :wink:


Agreed @Grimdian .

If you do that with roads on a Sov world, then all fine.

Just not on a Home World. It would ruin (expanding) space for future people.

Also people want to name their settlements and keep that name. Connecting it all would change the settlement name for all those settlements.


Appreciate the feedback. Understandably, big projects can be hard to agree on and I do see why. I too would hate it if a planet-wide project interrupted my plans too.


hmmm… build something at Gellis?
i think i saw nice place near your area Host, ill take a trip later to plot :slight_smile:
it was years ago when i built something at perma world, luckily Gellis got way better terrain and colors :smiley:

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Agreed, currently working on a long planned path between just two cities on Storis, but we plan on stopping the path just shy of connection, so we keep the settlements separate. It will be a lot easier to run between instead of the walking/swimming that it used to require. But even with just two cities - that required lots of back and forth talk between both cities long before we started :slight_smile:


I will hold a cabin build competition event within a few weeks!

the idea is to have roughly 20 to 30 cabins, (beacons owned by me), but beacons are named to the builder
and I think 150k payment after completion. and a grand reward of a million to 2 winners!

i need to plan this out, more info coming later next week


This sounds fun. I haven’t done a single building contest yet, so it’s time that I create a monstrosity people can laugh at.


awesome awesome, cant wait :smiley:

i love contest, took part only at 2 but i love to see what other players are able to archieve :smiley:

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gained capital! that was fast only less than a week in :stuck_out_tongue:
going to be fun to maintain, as I’m still 10% done with the workshop, won’t be hard to keep topping it.

love it when capital owners get switched and some builds get added to boost it!
just lost capital xD time to get it back haha

i might stream tonight, but currently waiting on titanium circuit board to finish of the floor