Gem locations 1.0?

Ol’ Bessie is still my fav from those I’ve heard, and i live on a piñata.

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I don’t think gems actually exist. I’ve been on Besevrona (which SUPPOSEDLY has emerald and amathyst) mining high and low for 6 hours now. I’ve found a grand total of…0 gems.

Take a look at Depths of materials?

Amethysts are a bit tricky: they’re at altitude 0-20, but only underneath low surface terrain (80 max)

You may also want to procure an atlas of Besevrona (shameless plug), and one amethyst to place into it, so you can quickly find gem-rich regions

Thank you. I’ve leveled up enough from mining here that I have enough coin to buy a couple gems and atlas them. I’ll try that when I get back to civilization.

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