Gem tools expensive to make? (I have been making them though!)

I do get that the tools are amazing I have finally been using them and they save a absolute ton of time. It is just a little frustrating how quickly you can use up a stack of diamonds making gem tools, 30 gems for one tool may be a bit much? I could be wrong, it is mostly an issue with diamond tools as you only get like 1 diamond per block on Andoweem. I’m not as worried about other gems. Also seems a bit odd that machines cost less gems to make than tools.


Now you’ve said that the chances are that the numer of gems needed for machines will be increased :slightly_frowning_face:

xD the devs already announced this change earlier this week! It takes about 11 rough gems per tool by the way :smiley:

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And with the increases in shimmering orb drops & food material drops their prices should be going down.

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Has it gone from 20 down to 11? :smiley:

Mass crafting…

Ah yes, but you need at least 360 of the particular rough gems to begin with to mass craft. That can be a pretty arduous task to mine particularly for topaz and amethyst.

Which is why the big shops buy them in bulk - it is the only way to effectively craft gem tools.

EDIT: Also most amethyst + sapphire still come from hunts. Ruby/diamond are the popular ones to mine.

Not everyone can gone on community hunts.

You don’t have to go on the community hunts to get them. You can still take down lower level meteors successfully with 2-3 people. Or solo for that matter, as long as you’re careful, you can pull the creatures bit by bit.

It took a while, but I managed to solo a level 3 meteor on Munteen last night


I must be just unlucky in that case because I’ve not got any gems from soloing meteors.

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You really don’t have to get everything yourself - that is a huge undertaking. Farm something else that is valuable and easy to farm solo (like coal) and sell that in exchange for the gem tools you need. We are in an MMO not a single player game :wink:


@Stretchious: I’m curious about how effective the new rage/focus skills are given how gated they are behind high-end crafting. Have you given them a go yet?

I’ve got a fair bit of refined stone sitting in a small shop on munteen that I think is fairly priced based on what everyone else has it priced at, the beacon generates a bit of coin so I know there is some footfall but not a single one has sold in over a week. I don’t have the time to invest in running a full blown shop to get coin which is why I make most things myself. What little coin I did have I recently spent on a selection of advanced power coils so I’m not stuck in the iron age.

I’d recommend selling to bigger shop’s request baskets - that’s instant cash and normally relatively well paying.

I’ve been running around a bit over the weekend and there’s an awful lot of shops out there at the moment. Attracting sufficient people to your shop to sell things quickly will take a lot of effort. As an example I already have dozens of request baskets running and I’m looking for suppliers on many many things if you want to make some quick coin :wink:

Thanks I’ll have to check out your request baskets to see if they’re reasonable in terms of return for time invested collecting, I’m guessing you’ve got a portal from Therka market, mobeus plaza.

Correct. If you find them unreasonable please let me know so that I can make adjustments.

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Power coils are way over priced. Better to make yourself.


Honestly, I’ve not tried them at all yet, nor any of the brews. I manage fairly well with my generalist build really… that and a little bit of my own wit. I’ve not really felt the need for any rage/focus skills or any brews (other than healing) at all really. They feel a little lack-lustre to me at the moment.

Atmosphere ones will obviously change that in the future.

That may well be changing very soon. I managed to finish my last set of advanced power coils before the testing branch is promoted to live this week.

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So you are saying they will require less materials? Because I was saying people sell them very high in price. Much better to use all the coin on other stuff. What we really need is a tier 3 diamond planet haha.