Getting defeated by fall damage is killing grapple fun

I agree on this.

There’s been discussion on more than a few threads on the death penalty. If it wasnt so harsh dying wouldnt be so bad. Hopefully they start looking into it and consider some of the things we’ve mentioned.
I like how WoW handles player death.

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Agreed - this is on the TODO for iteration. I was talking with the designers about exactly this very recently.


Bless you!!! :heart::heart::heart:

Yea I would have no problem running back to my dead body after I die

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Good because it sucks falling and dieing. I would love armor sets added to the game.
Could just have someone forge me a pair of shock absorbing boots.

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The reduced fall damage skill seems to be next to useless from what I can tell. and needs to be changed to reduce a % of fall damage and not an absolute value, which becomes really quite meaningless from any modest fall. 400 points of reduction is not much when I can sustain 3000+ fall damage from a fall that is not even very high at all.

Theres been a few times where I have randomly sustained 8000+ fall damage from a fall of less then 5 blocks. however this is not something i have been able to re-create as it happens very rarely.


You da man!!!

The death penalty is significantly less than it used to be. Before, when you used to die, you used to lose already gained experience, AND all items you were carrying that have durability dropped by a certain percent of the durability. If you ask me, this is mild in comparison because at least your equipment is in tacked

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Bless your very soul, James. <3

Karo, I threw my thoughts out there about this a little while ago as well.

Compared to most games death on BL is very tame. Don’t loose any items, coin or durability.

He’s not changing death penalty, but looking into death from grapples.


1 advice to get around this problem: as long as u grapple u are safe from falling damage. Problem arises when u release the grapple at high velocity. Release the grapple only when u are safe, or when ur other grapple connected. grapple the ground midair to survive longer falls

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Fall damage reduction grapple boon would be awesome! 50% at max forge, and wielding two makes you 100% immune to fall damage mwahahahaaa! Worst case scenario it’s overpowered because you can earn soo much coin by jumping off of high places :roll_eyes:

I kind of rather see a new food or drink item put in that gives 35% to 75% fall damage reduction depending on the grade of the food/drink.

How do you earn coin from jumping off of high places? I feel like im missing something that might be obvious if this is the case.

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Sarcasm lol. Some would call the ability to take zero fall damage broken or overpowered, but best case scenario the only benefit is you fell and didn’t die.

I know this conversation is old but with the Gleambow event it’s been front and center for me.
Why, if I can grapple the floor and fall from ANY height without taking damage, do I take massive damage doing the same thing horizontally?


I think the high risk of grappling is what makes it fun and dangerous ! But it’s true that you can’t find logic in the damaged you take… 3 block height and you take a decent amount of damage. 10 blocks and some other way it’s barely any if you have luck

If you set your health to the lowest, you rarely take any damage at all… if you set health to high, the damage seems to disproportionately scale

As far as I can tell the same rules apply whether moving horizontal or vertical - over a certain velocity and you will take a % of health as damage, unless you are grappled to something. My experience is I am less often safely grappled at point of impact when moving speedily on the horizontal plane.

Regardless, thanks for the bump. This was in the works and is still an annoying aspect of the game so maybe the thread resurfacing will remind the devs some of us are waiting on this.

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And that was one of my favourite features, the fact that we do not have to run around looking for our dead bodies to get our loot back. I hated that on every other game :laughing:

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