I am still trying to figure out what to do to get emoji onto signs. I am gleam club ( before anyone throws that out there) I have looked at a couple of the lists of emoj, in the forum. I just can’t figure out the magic part that makes them in the signs. Someone please type one out for me to copy…
;oort; but replace the semicolons with colons
becomes and so on…
Something you might run into is that the sign has to belong to someone with gleam club. You cannot put emojis onto a sign owned by someone without gleam club.
I share a build with my husband, we both have Gleam Club, but I can’t put emojis on signs under his beacons, just FYI.
There is also a bug where sometimes the first time you put an emoji on a sign it won’t take but if you do it again it will work
Is there a list somewhere of all emoticons from the game that can be used?
Looks like this post has it, but it’s a very long list.
Most of the Emojis in game are just the “standard” Unicode ones. Most of which are covered here: Emoji and 📖 Meanings 🤔😍🤯 The Complete List by Category (◕‿◕) SYMBL. You can usually get those by by doing the hex number after the U+
in the link above with :
on either side. For example, the first one (😀 - Grinning Face Emoji or Happy face, 😂 Smiling Face from Category 😂 Smileys & Emotion, Unicode Number: U+1F600 📖 Emoji Meaning ✂ Copy & 📋 Paste (◕‿◕) SYMBL), to do it in game it would be :1f600:
Now obviously the Unicode Hex numbers are not an easy thing to remember or use. And it does not cover the Boundless specific ones. To help with that, here is a most up to date list:
- Starting with the “standard” Unicode ones I mentioned above: Emoji List – Django REST framework
- Starting with just Boundless specific ones: Emoji List – Django REST framework
As you can see, there are a lot of them (1360 total) so it could take a while to look through them. The above can look scary as first, but that is because it is just in a “machine readable format”, JSON. Here is an image to help you understand it:
Any of the strings in the first box under “names” are what you can use in game as a name between the :
. So :alloymace:
in the above example.
The second box is a URL you can click that will take you to a preview image of what it will look like in game (if you are no in game now testing).
The API endpoint above is compiled from a list from the game files location at Boundless\assets\gui\emoji\emoji.json
if you would rather use that file as a reference. It only has a list of the names though, not the images.