Getting stuck next to some chiseled blocks

My character is getting stuck on these chiseled blocks here

when i walk next to them.
Anyone else experience something like this?
better look at the blocks

Yep, having the same issues! I posted a pic and description of my problem to the updates page a little bit ago.

My player gets completely stuck if it touches a spot where the blocks meet on the railing. This happened to me and another player in town. Only happens on the diagonal railing, and can only be fixed by going to sanctum, since I don’t want to break the blocks. It’s like my hitbox merges into the blocks and gets pinned.

I had posted a report a few updates ago and am pretty sure it became a bug report. But make sure to put your pictures in the issues log and give viper a planet / location so he could look.

Strange, it was completely fine before the update.

Funny, I had more problems with this before the update. I’m still having them occasionally, but they seem less frequent.

Planet is Elopor, location is -2287N, -294E

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I’m constantly having the tree-leaf problem, run under a tree, and then cant move in any direction till you chop the leaves. Haven’t had much problem with chiseled, other than when checking out the chisel contest plaza.

Me and @KKBell got stuck on top of a tree yesterday. Didn’t get to reporting as we were after a meteorite on Munteen. Also didn’t think it was something more frequent recently.

Thanks @SolFall for the screenshots and coordinates, the issue has been added to the bug database.

For everyone else, as @Xaldafax says, please provide screenshots and coordinates (ideally in the issues topic).