Thinking about how glass wasn’t the best design for me, I already know of the reasons and limitations and completely understand; and as I would like to say I can think of a better solution or alternative, I really can’t. So I’m not in any aspect mad or distressed by the current glass looks, I’ve got no trouble with it, but if it ever comes a time, that it could be improved, I would be very satisfied.
Thinking about the current glass design, I thought: "Why not make it be like a storage container for a single resource, item or block, that can be tinkered about and rotated by players by picking it up and looking around, kinda like a snow globe, so you could look the items in game.
I’ve been wanting to place a museum of sorts, that would display the blocks of the different planets, but it would be just limited to blocks, so why not make glass, be able to be turn into a glass box, that could contain a resource, tool, weapon, technology, block, plant, etc.
It will be a very good feature for capital cities to have and kinda introduce the game to new people, and interest them in getting some blocks, or just as a matter of decor for a house, store, settlement etc.
TLDR: Glass box with the ability to hold items inside it, for display purposes.
A fun fact about these things though, they were incredibly server intensive and many people had to ban them from servers because people would build rooms full of them. When someone loaded the chunk containing them it would sometimes cause server crashes from entity overloads (buffer error).
Kinda, but not really. I don’t want a chest, if you really wanted to see the items you’re keeping, you would put them in storage blocks or shelves.
I just want one item, like on request baskets or shop stands, but displayed inside glass.
I don’t really think it’ll be server intensive, considering the game already manages pretty well with the default transparency of glass and the display of tools and block on shops. Seeing how many plinths many shops have, I don’t see why mixing glass and the plinth features will result in server crashes.
But that’s something for the more informed people to answer, as I’m super clueless about development or the sort.
Sounds like an excellent prop item that could be developed from mostly pre-existing assets. But let me ask this- what do you think about the blank plinths serving this exact purpose? Or perhaps, putting the glass block on top of the blank plinth, with the item inside? That way people don’t accidentally mix their display boxes up with their glass blocks, and you don’t have to change the code of glass blocks.
Heh, that’s actually pretty clever! I was thinking a blank plinth would effectively communicate that a displayed item is neither for sale nor purchase, but I suppose the ol’ 99,999,999 price tag trick will keep things from getting bought up… and if someone COULD afford that, Emperor bless!