Gleam Club + Gleambow + Hunting Platforms = Kind of a mess

So the issue of hunting platforms has been discussed at length before, and I get that even though I personally hate them they are a part of the game, I accept that and am not trying to argue. What does bother me is that we now have a combination of several factors that is resulting in a proliferation of very long lasting, if not permanent, platforms and random storage beacons.

Before Gleam Club allowed essentially endless beacon life there were far more small builds, especially temporary use ones, that fell into decay and disappeared. This also gave a bonus to explorers as they could find small things to loot which added some excitement and reward for exploring. Those who owned such beacons had to actually make the effort to travel around and fuel them, which often wasnt worth it once the reason for their construction had died down. Now, with events like Gleambow, we see huge numbers of such things built, and unless a conscientous owner goes back and gets rid of them, they will quietly persist until the owner lets their gleam club lapse. On top of this, the fact that so many long time players can now level and gain plots so easily means there is very little reason to even worry about a handful of plots here or there. A level gives you 10 plots I think, that’s a lot of semi permanent beacon spam every time we have Gleambow, which is what 3 or 4 times a year now?

I dont have a good answer, if we could go back in time and limit Gleamclub to a certain number of beacons or to beacons of a certain minimum number of plots I think that would be helpful, but that ship has sailed and no one should be asked to lose a service that they paid for. I guess it just comes down to individuals, and especially guilds, being willing to remove unneeded plots and platforms. Im curious if Devs or anyone else have any thoughts on this or is it just something I need to accept and move on. Its not the end of the world, it would just be nice to have more places with decent natural lines of sight and views.

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Thanks, it was not intentional. My browser does this sometimes.

When it comes to this gleambow event the vaste majority of the beacons that were placed will likely be all gone soon. People did that so they could eventually just use the reclaim system to bring everything back home. It was much easier for them to do this then going home every time their inventory was full. Using reclaim also sorts everything for you which makes it even better using this method.

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event has only just finished so give peeps a chance to tidy up.
if some still there in a few weeks then could always give a friendly shout out then to see if any unused ones could be removed