Gleam club hexadecimal color code and the profanity filter

Something was missed or is still not working correctly


With the gleam club color chat function set, every time I start a line with the word “ok” it breaks the color, shows the 1st part of the hexadecimal color code and asterisks out the rest.

You should post your hex code as well so they can add it to the list.

I think its 00FFFF

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It’s *ing the word ffffok? XD

“fok” probably

“:#00FFFF: OK” is hitting “fook”

The system is designed to catch stuff like “FOOOOOOOK” and “F0000000K” and “FFFo0o0o0o0okkk”, etc. I’ll see if we can ignore the colour codes.

Does “cyan” still work?

I can’t get color words to work at all, just the hexcodes.

dicks isnt blocked btw
our is that not profane sorry not native english