Gleam lighting

A beacon option is just “extra work”, either way the lighting strength has to be encoded into the block-data itself as we cannot access or lookup beacons and their data during the meshing of the world, so it cant just live on the beacon. A beacon option would just mean the server having to iterate the entire beacon looking for any light blocks to change them to brighter ones etc (so would easily cause a huge lag spike too and would have to be split up over time, and then there would be weirdness if the server shutdown/crashed in that period with the beacon being half updated and half not, so extra work to make sure its robust too…)


Well that’s an unfortunate answer. Guess I know I’m finally done with this game.

And another domino falls. Not joking either I just lost a good friend permanently in the game.

I like the lighting, but I’m in the minority it looks like. I think it gives purpose to torches, and lanterns.

Glow epic is nice too. But that’s 5 pts

Lanterns aren’t bright enough either. Lanterns were used in my place before lighting changes happened and nothing was dark. Everything was nice and bright. Now it’s all dim and has shadows all over. I’d have to add twice as many to get rid of shadows but it would still be dim. And I tried white gleam lanterns and it just Whites washes it out. Doesn’t actually brighten anything

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I do like the lighting don’t get me wrong. I have voiced that. Though people have also asked if the shader for darkness could have a wider range also @FireAngelDth being one and there were many others. People as well have issues with the game lighting that have medical issues and can not see the game now I think it was said to be night blindness…not sure though. Extending the shader may fix this issue for people.


Any info about the possibility of chisels/spanner forged for lighting changing finally making their way to game?

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Yeah that makes sense. Is that like a gamma bar that you see in some games?

Or something else

One person I haven’t see post in a while that had issues with the lighting because of night blindness was I believe @Janna55

Also I hope she’s doing well.


I believe so or similar. They put a darkness modifier though it needs to be a broader range from my understand. I just don’t want to see people lose the love they have for this game. If I lost this game, well it would be pretty devastating to me. It’s my outlet.

Yeah, totally understandable. I’m sure they will get something in, just gotta give them time I think.

Hunting in the dark is sometimes difficult for me. I try my best to stick as close to the meteorite as possible for lighting. The diamond torch used to be my friend in the dark and now I need to use lamps because I find the torch lighting harsh. I kind of just had to adapt my gameplay after the lighting changes. But hunting with a lamp in one hand is not advisable.
I sympathize with your frustrations.

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First for clarification purposes I want to recognize that my friend @FireAngelDth has the complaint on how the lighting changes affects his builds. I sympathize with his frustrations on that issue and don’t confuse it with my adaptation of gameplay in the dark.

I will assume that you meant no ill will in your reply. I assume that if I clarify that I am not a coding expert that people understand that I am speculating or “assuming “.

I believe that I have been a positive contributor to this forum though rather limited. An assumption that doesn’t attack anyone isn’t going to break anything. Just saying.


Many of us understand and sympathize with how the recently lighting changes affected people that play the game. So my comment wasn’t of any ill will but a cautionary statement that until we have more information it isn’t helpful to decide one solution is better than another.

For me, sympathy of a personal situation basically has no relation to deciding what solution to put into place. Whether a person is a coding expert or not, the path of least resistance is not always the best option in any scenario. Many times least resistance actually ends up creating more complexity or other issues down the line. In this forum those approaches have caused problems before so I was just having a conversation around it.

I am one of those ppl with sight issues and it certainly hurts me as well. I have to wait after the night to be able to build to see anything. anything dark on the shelves look empty so to find anything I have to click on the shelves. Love the game but its very hard to play at the moment.

Sry to hear that bud. Thanks for saying it though,
This issue needs to be addressed.

I don’t know if this will help your situation or not but I hope that it might help at least some.
During building I typically switch to my building alt Toon that has the “Light Source Epic “. My hunter doesn’t have this because it would take away skill points from important hunting skills.
My builder doesn’t need a lamp in the dark most of the time with this setup.
You could do this with an additional skill sheet or another Toon.
I personally don’t think that you should have to spend skill points since this sounds like an “accessibility” issue. If I am wrong in my assumption about accessibility I sincerely apologize forthwith.

I agree with you…When the lighting changed i wasnt happy with how my place looked ie my gleam didnt look bright enough and even my brick colours lack something.Alot of my creations have gleam in so it would be nice if we had an option to turn my lights up.A dimmer switch would be good to 'adjust the lights brighter.But actually the gammer setting would be best i think.I now use hot cherry exo gleam because it is brighter.Great to see people descussing this.Have a fab day:)