Gleam Queen and The Crossings Mini Mall

Gleam Queen has over 2.5 million in request baskets! What am I buying you ask? I’m buying raw gleam in any color 1 coin each, Fresh vital 3 coin each and peaty soil at .06 each. Also looking for specific colors of growth as well.

The Crossings Mini Mall is looking for shop owners! As of right now I have been doing a monthly drawing for shop owners and they receive all the footfall collected for the month. Please be sure to read the rules and sign up in the guild book.

Gleam Queen and The Crossings Mini Mall are located on Arie. Accessible TNT mall section and RTG hub. Stop on by to claim your spot today and start earning that monies!. Once the Mini Mall is full I would like to host the shop owner giveaway to bi weekly.

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OMG IM SOOOO SORRY I FORGOT (Q.Q) WILL YOU FORGIVE ME (Q.Q) I got so caught up with my Mental Health boop me be forgetting things boop

No worries @BabyCookie! It happens to me too!!! Always forgetting!

Still buying!!! Will be as long as I still play the game!