Gleam Shop and Farm Open - Dragon Hub - Serpensarindi

Can be found through the Serpensarindi portal at dragon hub, as yet unnamed portal in front of you and to the right when you get to serp.

Over 200,000 in stock, will be mining allot more this week. Selling gleam for 1.1c, buying for 1c. I will fill more request baskets as the gleam sells.

Two farms so far, both enclosed, one for bottom up mining, the other a completely enclosed gleamball.

Have turned off plot protection so feel free to add your own storage, campfires, shops or request baskets, will alternate between filling the shop and peoples baskets.

Will update with pics when I’m at my PC.


If anyone wants me to setup a Gleamfarm on their sov let me know, im addicted to faming gleam at the moment…

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Filled half the request baskets, over 300,000 coin, buying any gleam at 1c. Baskets around bottom up mining setup for quick and easy one handed and efficient mining, you get more blocks for your time, but not as much exp due to regen buffer, still enough to level up a fair bit.

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