Gleambow is go!

im using a over buffed totem but still i mostly one shot it all (1100 dmg)

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I was alcyon when I did mine earlier. Only one other person on the planet. Probably because of all the lava :sweat_smile:

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This is what I’m trying to find out, some people were saying that all actual gleambow blocks were one shot with the gleambow totem regardless of damage.

So if it has taken you more than one hit to break a block during an actual, live gleambow with that totem, that would be the answer.

I’m hunting with this leftover totem, to see what happens. At this damage level it 2 hits a lot of blocks on level 3 but I didn’t get into a live gleambow yet.

I was using an aoe with -450 dmg and doing one hits. Tho I had full hammer points, full power and dmg epic. Don’t remember if I had hammer epic or not as I just made this skill page today.

Also note I was on Alcyon

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Well honestly im not 100% certain since i use mega speed brew so it all looks like one shot but i honestly feel like it is a one shot since its melting tru the meteor

also if you want we can go on duo hunts :slight_smile:

P.S. that totem is more than enough i think, i have something similar


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An iron level tool with -450 dmg shouldn’t one hit anything on T6 even with a full power build.

This is the answer I’m looking for :grinning:

Just scrolled back and saw you said T5 even though you mentioned alcyon which is T6. No matter the totem has iron-ish damage this should still apply.

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Lol I thought alcyon was t5 that’s why I said t5 but then decided to change what I said since I wasn’t sure. I never go to that planet so I wasn’t sure. Only do the newer t6s and stay away from all the others. Well except today because that planet was empty

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Can confirm gleambow totem one-hits an active meteor. My build has 0 power, no dmg epic, no dmg on totem (-450)


Great, I have a couple of these cross forges from when I was learning to forge but it’s good to know i can make a few 3x3 without stressing extra damage.

I stayed on merika since company started arriving and we’re having dinner soon. I’m just sort of running around looking at what’s here. I’m pretty sure i’ve made it around the planet in a generally northeast direction swerving to hit regions and dormant/completed finds.

And then:

Fully glass dormant, nice! I saw this one live one, then I fell in a cave on the way to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyways that’s probably the end of my little saga here, got the news about the totems and had a little fun running around assessing the aftermath of someone’s hunting lol. For anyone who hasn’t done it yet you can see there’s a good variety of types.


Has anyone else encountered gleambows without trails (so they are extremely hard to spot) then they disappear when you get closer to it but then when you’re close enough it comes into vision again and WITH a trail. But the point in which it comes into vision WITH a trail it’s quite close (too close to only just be coming into vision)


I tought thats normal xD

Always have seen a trail. But when it lands if you are too far away you can’t see the residual glow and highlight that is above it. You have to get closer for that to show. Then that goes out when the timer expires anyway.

During the last event we’ve asked for a bit more time, a bit more trail, and a stronger residual above highlight but it appears nothing was done in that area.

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Its nice when they are coming right at ya.

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Also that gleam colour is a one block thing on the planet so finding a bunch of them like that is also a win!


Yeh the residual glow from when it lands and the timing is good for me, just sometimes meteors spawn with no trail at all. So when you spy one in the air you don’t know what direction it’s going unless you track it, then if you wanna see if it’s changed direction slightly you gotta take extra time to track it’s trajectory again - these things are fine usually, but as it’s a time limited thing im just trying to min max my efficiency :slight_smile:

Yeah no complaints. I’d say at least 12 - 15% of the dormants I found were gleam and I kept it all :rofl:

I missed that first piece of glass though I didn’t realize my inventory was already full of junk blocks. Still the glass dormant I found gave me almost 40 blocks of blue glass.

Some of the ‘natural’ blocks in a dormant can still be things that don’t actually spawn like that growth, too. I’m not sure if cephonex merika has sponge, either.

Good stuff…


Sad that the glasses cant change tint, but the unicorn horn can

The glasses change constantly though! :star_struck:


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Looks like @Xaldafax was the first to find and complete the secret zone. He contacted me soon after it went live to share his experience.
Great job Xaldafax! Head on over to technomancers to receive your free plumbus X