Gleambow is turning me off of boundless

A suggestion, based on some of the frustration I’m seeing-

What if the timer was kept the same, but only have it start it once a person comes within a certain range, and popped on the screen once it started (maybe with a marker on the meteor at that point)? That would keep the racing and competitive aspect, since you could have people coming from different directions to try to be first and quickest would start the timer, and there would still be a degree of luck on the ease based on terrain (not sure exactly what distance would keep the balance good I admit), but could make it more fair in that someone would always have a chance at it. Maybe still have them go dormant then after the regular meteor time if nobody goes for it.


Maybe the same distance that protects from regen?


Technically, it isn’t just about getting there first, the race part is about racing the timer mostly.

When a meteor is failed, the timer increases, when it is completed the timer decreases.

Try different planets.

I was running round earlier and gleambows were triggering lots.

Higher tier planets will bring more, because there will be less people there to have already triggered them.

Don’t give up, once you make it to that first one and manage to complete it with barely a second to spare, you will be hooked.

Source an AOE totem with speed on it, use speed brews, if you can add points to speed skills, all this will help.

Persevere, I guarantee it’s worth the effort :+1:


Yeah, could probably go a good bit further even than that and have it be fair I think. :slight_smile: Based on how quick I go when I mark a store a few hundred meters away, that is sort of the range I was thinking, something in the hundreds of meters, I’d have to really play with it to narrow down a good window though… something that would still bring luck of terrain into the equation, where it could maybe still be a little challenge there if not ideal, but where a newer player (a few points invested maybe, not an outright fresh start) could reach it from the outer edge of the bubble if conditions were ideal.

i know but if you have limited time to play, eg, 3 hours daily if you spent 3 hours chasing meteors without success… so… you know, there is plenty other things you can do during those 3 hours :slight_smile:

i dont say so, i want gleambow resources, gleam, foliage, thorns, sponge etc but ill rather farm other things and make money to buy those resources after event, even single block to fill my color system storage :slight_smile:


The timer doesn’t start until after the meteor lands, this will help know when one appears:

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Cool, if that’s the way you want to play, that great!

Boundless leaves it up to you.

I just wouldn’t want anyone to be put off giving it a go…

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It’s possible on PS4, but you’ll miss about half of them due to just not being able to see them :woman_shrugging: This is my haul so far… not the most impressive, but I strongly recommend a good long range hookshot. It makes all the difference


You crazy madlad what kind of storage is that lol

I like it tho


oh, thanks for tips, didnt know that

Temporary gleambow storage, lol. Ain’t nobody got time for sorting this week!

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I completed 6 I think yesterday, and I didn’t hit a cuttle once :slight_smile: save the gleambow cuttles!

But seriously, having the right skills, brews and pies really makes a difference! Plus AoE gleambow (only a cross) and a long long range grapple. I found it rather exhilarating lol!!

Edit: I did Imdaari, Grov and a little Gyosha


Tip: Imdaari portals are closed at TNT and Ultima, or they were yesterday. So there were only 3 people on when I was on last night, 10+ on the other lower tier planets!
Though perhaps they were avoiding the lava! But almost every region I hit gave a gleambow

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let me know if you going to sell blocks you dont want, i really want to fill my solor storage, want at least 1 block from every color :slight_smile:

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I Agree with this 100% (^-^)


I’d love to set a few out as decoration, like I do with my mushroom victims. :smile::smiling_imp:


They don’t even try to kill you, just try their best to make you fly so you can play with them but they’re not strong enough :frowning:


:fearful::cold_sweat: you monster! #mushroomlivesmatter


Evil Paka FTW. :smiling_imp:

… My base would look lovely with a couple of those around! Maybe a doll version? :rainbow:


I’ve been having the same problems with the rendering, but not only that the meteor tails aren’t showing at all