Gleambow Racing Event is Coming!


Starting on December 28th at 6 AM CST (12 PM GMT) :alarm_clock:, Gleambow Racing will return. :rainbow:

This limited-time event rewards speed and skill as Citizens chase down unique Gleambow Meteorites made of colorful natural blocks. You’ll need a special Gleambow Totem to destroy these Blocks - craftable in a Workbench. It’s a great chance to gather unique rewards with which to decorate your Build. :star2:

Once you’re done chasing Gleambows, kick back in your Beacon and Craft the decorative props just for this event. Don’t forget to head to the Exchange, where you can pick up a Gleambow wearable or two. :tshirt::shopping:

How does Gleambow Racing work? :checkered_flag:

On Rugged and Inhospitable Lush worlds, all Meteorites are replaced by Gleambow Meteorites. A Gleambow is a unique type of meteorite made from natural Blocks in various colors. They can be identified by their spectacular multicolored trails. If you’re lucky, you may even find a pure Gleam or Glass Gleambow. Fancy! :sparkles:

Once a Gleambow touches down, you’ll only have a short time before its Blocks adopt the natural colors of the World. Sprint, Grapple, Warp, slide, leap, swim, and Buff your way across the landscape before it’s too late. :man_running::dash:

You’ll need specialized Tools to break your way through those super-tough Gleambow Blocks. A Gleambow Totem will do the trick, so make sure to get hold of one (or more). While you’re at it, keep an eye out for some strangely colorful Cuttletrunks, aptly known as Gleamtrunks, who’ll try to make life difficult. Don’t ignore them! You might find their pickings useful for your next race and more. :hammer_and_wrench::rainbow::squid:

New to Gleambow Racing? Fear not; Jiivita has you sorted with an excellent video rundown. :movie_camera:


That time of year we are spoilt by events :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: yay.

I know a lot will be running hunts for the colours, I’ll be running for those Gleambow Sacs :rainbow:


Me tooooo! :rainbow: :gleambowtotem:


Gleambow Sacs! Yay!


I’ll be finishing my color storage just in time! Can’t wait :tada:


Ah, the chaos lol.


I am so excited! :laughing:


I will skip this one, still have a lot from the previous Gleambow Racing Event.

You all know where the sucker is who will buy lavender gleam, giggle.


Remember all that all T3 and T4 planets will not gove Oort stones for 14 days.

Better keep your Oort stones or get a few more to make sure you can keep your portals open.

But you get lots of oort from Gleambow Meteors. It’s the snowball event you get no oort from. Love that Gleambows give oortstones. :smiley:

Plus it’s only certain T3 $ T4 planets… you can get regular meteors on Till :smiley: I think they have to be temperate planets… although I am not rolling a gleambow planet this year… well I haven’t rolled one yet.



Okay… couldn’t help myself. Just rolled a HUGE T3 for the event. Will be able to handle 40 players. YAY! Not keeping it…but it will be around for the event… Hoping it pops this afternoon so I can set up poles before the event starts. :rainbow: :heartpulse:



For those excited for the Gleambow event.
@NickkThatsGood has made over 100 premium forged gleambow totems.

You can find them at
Reapers Intergalactic Cargo
Just outside the Dragon Hub (East Side exit)
Along with all other things forged.


This is easily my favorite event. Thanks!


Is it possible to have them spawn on T6 planets again I like Running around on Houchus :joy:

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No babycookie no! Its time to get out of your comfort zone and out of your natural habitat


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