Gleambow Racing is Coming Back to Boundless!

I don’t think I would join, I mean at squach hunts I’m usually one of the meteor catchers so I would probably do quite good.

But I don’t want to see people fighting over rare color blocks :crazy_face:


I’d go on a cooperative gleambow hunt. Like if a friend wanted some rare colors. @Dupix

Other than that I don’t like squabbling so I never did gleambow last time. I’ll probably do it this time to check it out.


Yeah, I think it kinda slowed down last time for a lot of people once everyone realized that not everyone was getting the gleambow mats from the meteors.

I agree :+1:t3: I love this too

Might just be me, but with special events specifically, holiday events, etc…I feel like those should be for everyone with very little or no requirements. Trying to think if other games have requirements for their holiday events…I think most of them are accessible to everyone.


More than making them easier for all, maybe doing multiple kind of events, like easy activities for newbies and a bit more complicated ones for older players.


I guess we could debate whether having the ability to beg, borrow, and steal totems from friends, guilds, shops is an acceptable means to participate.

But I think we can agree to agree that all players should be able to enjoy the event.


I almost never join big hunts due to play time restrictions so solo’ing for me.
I have done some buddy hunts with a group of 2-4 which I like. Even with gleambow because we trade colors, etc.
I’d fully support big meteors giving something of a bonus or having all or a % of the collected blocks from that meteor go into the loot box so everyone can get a little something.

Tho you gotta remember t3+ only

And post only says worlds so maybe the exos will have them since it doesn’t specify permanent.


How would it be harder? What’s hard about getting to say a T3-7 EXO. People are even giving taxis to them. Also side note why should everything be easy. Should we give some participation trophy’s as well to people to give them false accomplishments???

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Yikes. We are just talking about the cute, fun, fluffy, happy Gleambow event that …yes…everyone…even total noobs should be able to participate in and have fun. If you have shown any around or brought them on hunts with you, you will see a lot of them don’t even have grapples nor skills to handle much.

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And they can participate. I have seen and taken new players to exos. Yes they may not have the best gear to get to the meteor quick enough as well. Though that is by design of the event to with there being a timer. Though that is what being new to the game means. We all were new players at one time, couldn’t have everything everyone else had that have been playing longer. I was fine with that knowing I had to work to get to a point in the game where I could accomplish certain things. Also there was nothing fluffy about the gleambow event last year. I seem to remember it being quite cut throat.


I remember my brother and I constantly racing another group of 3 for an hour or so. It did get pretty competitive. I should say tho, they acted respectfully, as I have become accustomed to from the boundless community.

Yes I would agree most players are respectful in this game. I am glad for that aspect. @Mittins

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Not speaking of the game in general…just this much hyped, fun event that everyone loves. I have no problem with challenges & difficult things in the game, in general. I eat that stuff up…a lot of us do. Otherwise it would be too easy and boring.

You and I won’t keep this game afloat though lol…it needs the newer players and casuals. You and I can get to the T7 Exo and take down some gleambows…no problem. This isn’t about us.

A lot of players complained last year and the devs adjusted a few things. We are hoping things go smoother & are more enjoyable this year. The Gleambow event is pure fun & a great opportunity to showcase some of the wonderful things BL has to offer the gaming community. We’ve got some streamers that I’m sure are ready to go when the event happens…it might even give the game an overall boost :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I agree with you on many things. This could showcase many things for it. I don’t like the timer aspect myself and believe it should be removed. This would make it better for the newer players. Then they could even just adjust it to turn into non gleam after the cool down timer expires for a meteor, which I believe is 15 mins.


Hadn’t thought of this. You’re right…I think it would help a lot.


I always found it odd it has a timer when normal Meteors that are active don’t really…atleast I never noticed one.

Normal meteors DO have a timer. Ive suffered that a time or two. While Solo, I’ve failed a meteor while fighting mobs and without death. just an fyi…

Interesting. They should make the gleambow ones last just as long then.


I plan to do a loooooooot of gb meteors!!! I’ve got de 3x3 gb totems, the speed brews, the energizing pies! The event can start right now, I’m ready^^ Ty @DKPuncherello da man :slight_smile: