Gleambow Racing Returns! Commencing 21st May

There’s a timer counting down in one of the menus… not in game but think there’s about 12 hours left

Edit: we’re allowed to joke on the forums again??? :crazy_face:


I’m going to flag you for illegal fun activities


It’s totally possible I’m reading too much into that “find” meteors bit… maybe he was talking about all the navigational aids… but that would just be getting to one you’ve already found… i guess they would help you trigger the spawn faster?

It does sound like they have at least one more thing to reveal… so here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:



Fun strike!! Lol :crazy_face:


I doubt it extends outside of the event, but whatever it is, I’m hoping it has some application to regular meteors too. :crossed_fingers:

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Hey, I wouldn’t be surprised if there is something else! Actually hoping there really is.

Didn’t mean that gif in a bad way, just trying to help jam up the hype. My humour fell flat as usual. :face_with_head_bandage:

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Another helpful hint for people preparing for Gleambow and especially for anyone having difficulty either buying or forging themselves a fast totem.

If your dexterity stat is maxed (8), the all attributes stat is also maxed (5) and you are using a mega fast brew to get around in a hurry then you will only require +15 extra action speed forged to your gleambow totem. This will give you a total action speed of 120 which is the action speed cap and any further action speed on it will make no difference.


Yeah those things are tough to forge, I had a couple attempts, first 6 ended up with cross as I was having to use new ingredients I dont ever use lol, but the other 2 batches pulled through, not perfect but should do the job. Not gona lie, I was super tempted to buy them. Since you never mentioned damage I take it any damage will do?. Just want to check.

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Yes that is correct, the damage is totally irrelevant. Gleambow totems will 1 shot the gleambow meteor blocks.

So the only forge traits that are necessary is the 3x3 AOE and busy bee (level 3 or more). Any other traits are a bonus or make no difference, durability or loot magnet is what I targeted when forging mine.


Thanks man, yeah I got speed and magnet, I fancied dura on some but what it gave was good :slightly_smiling_face:

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Does the mega fast brew count towards the action speed cap? I haven’t noticed this being the case for mining hammers.

Yep it sure does, and it most definitely does affect mining. Try a sapphire hammer with level 9 or 10 busy bee forged on to it, drink a fast brew and your action speed will not increase. This is why Sapphire hammers are so effective for T7 mining as they can reach the speed cap without a fast brew.


Yep, I’ll say this makes things easier…!! :astonished::star_struck:

I’m still glad I saved the locations to do it the normal way, but wow!

… My mission in life now: get hit and killed by a Gleambow I spawned. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::skull:


This is great but how do we make them firstly :thinking:

i dunno but i hope its from elemental fusions lol. i got like 2k of it hehe

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surprise server restart?

They canceled gleambow, sorry.

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and… there goes 20 totems out the window

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This is true. Devs mentioned i post too much and have thus cancelled gleambow. Chalk it up to “things suji has ruined” i guess!


They do have a point :smiley:

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