Gleambow Racing Returns! Commencing 21st May

I still have some +35 and +40 speed ones they come with a bit of magnet too.


i cant believe jelly has his own food! #blamejelly

Thanks @Cuetzpalomitl and @AeneaGames I’ll stock up

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Mmm…!! :yum::grin:


Thanks for posting these for those of us without twitter. But why aren’t these teasers being shared on the forums too?


I believe they are fun little hints/teasers being posted here and there for players to find & to help spread the word on social media.


I mean, that’s cool I guess… but I’m jealous. Lol

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I think it is because the dev’s rely on the community to spread the word. And I can think of several forum users that I would guarantee would share it if they found it elsewhere. It saves a dev 20 minutes…

Thank you @bucfanpaka for sharing!


Happy to share!! Yep, I think they’re letting us have the fun of sharing it! :grin: Though it could be too that I’m just beating them to the punch here! :wink: They sometimes have, but I’ve been quick about these, lol. I often have Twitter open and keep an eye on it a lot, haha!

For those that don’t have Twitter, worth joining just for Boundless chat… :slight_smile: Bunch of us on there, it is a good supplement to the boards, lot of us post game stuff, and get to know each other better too!


even without twitter you can just check their twitter account :stuck_out_tongue:

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I know, lol. I just kinda like a one-stop-shop for game news is all… but it’s not a big deal : ) I don’t mind waiting on someone to share it here.

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So that jelly video looks like the buff comes from a hand-held item. Do we think that we have to hold this item in hand to get the buff? Will be interesting to see how that plays out while also grappling & block-breaking or cuttle-bashing!

Whereas the juice is probably a consumable, so should hopefully work similarly to a brew? I’m excited to be able to use it in conjuction with the jelly! And it’s nice to be able to forge my gleambow totems with glow instead of magnet, will save me some skill points.

So excited to see what the third item is tomorrow! I haven’t finished preparing for the event yet but I am feeling veeerrryyyyy lucky so far, as floating pies were still on my list (might not be necessary with the jelly!) and I forged many of my totems with glow instead of magnet. I was worried that was the wrong decision a few days ago, but looks like it may play to my favor now!

LOVING the new items, eagerly anticipating the rest of the announcements and the event itself! Thank you Devs for making my quarantine 10x more exciting!

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You eat it, it’s food

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All 3 buff items for the event are food :smile: They will also take up a food buff slot, but fear not, they are a fair bit easier than most high end food to craft :sandwich:


Ah so I’ll have to pick between Jelly, Juice, and (Jerky?)?! Hmmmmm… tough decisions

The image from today for those not on Twitter - Gleamberry Juice!


Can’t wait for you all to see tomorrow’s Sneak Peek :smiley: (it’s the one I’m most excited for)


This, this, this! :slight_smile:

Even before the current situation, my favorite games, but particularly Boundless, always did the trick for taking my mind off troubles. Especially so now… when I’m wrapped up in Boundless, everything else just sort of fades away. :blush: Exos, Gleambow prep… I enjoy losing myself in the Oortiverse!

Thanks again, y’all! :+1: Said it before, but games aren’t just games, they are so much more… a sanctuary, therapy, a place to socialize and have contact with others, a way to meet many psychological needs (such as mastering skills, a feeling of progression, feedback for efforts) that the regular world sometimes doesn’t, for some perhaps their only real window onto the world, especially now.

Can’t wait to see tomorrow’s! :grin:


It’s my favourite too, wish I had one in real life… looks so tasty!


Such teasers!! The hype is not at peak!! Where’s the reveal party!! (With cookies :cookie: of course) :joy: