Global Events

Today i had the idea for global events, like first week double xp for hunting, next week +2 drops from plants, etc.

i think the reward list is easy to expand and the time is just an example.
what do you think about it?


I think it would be cool if some of the events were more specific “community event” things, where they are a boost to a specific resource in a specific place. Global events like you say are a good way to get player population up in general, so if you can send out marketing mail it can boost player numbers, but doing community events helps get players together that wouldn’t normally interact.

Maybe do the events on one or two specific days or hours and on a specific planet.

ok, maybe my description was not correct.
i was thinking of server side events, so the events are “forced” by boundless.
its hard to explaim it right now…

you log in and see, ah this week is double wood for example, like this.

Edit: i just mean perm events that rotate each week. not season events like christmas :wink:

Global Double XP Events, or Global Events would be fun :smiley:

Some kind of fun double XP weekend would be great!

We have events throughout the year - several are coming in the next few months:

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Rarity events for trophies.

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I agree with OP
This would be OP