Sprays seem to range from 25c-100c. Personally there’s only one place I buy my spray at unless they happen to be out of the color I need and I don’t want to wait for it to be stocked again. And in that case I go to the most expensive place cause I know they’ll have it since business is a tad bit slower and I normally only need a few. If I need a lot I’ll wait since it’ll cost me too much from the most expensive place.
Goo prices I haven’t a clue. When I happen to gather some i sell it for 90c. Usually all sells but not right away. Also I don’t buy goo so there’s also that
So if I sell paints at 25c, i think the most i could buy the goo for is 20c to make like 1c or 2c profit, which is a small margin. How to paint sellers make a profit or make it affordable on their side if no one sells their goo so low?
Your math is wrong 1 goo kernel doesnt mean just 1 spray. There are multiple steps involved.
With the right setup, 100 goo can result in 500 pigments over several iterations of planting. Then with coils, 500 pigment can result in 600ish spray cans
You could always go collect your own goo kernels, that’s what we do. We sell our paint for 25c and at the quantities we produce we wouldn’t make a profit of we had to buy it, but our goo farm is quite large.
Hi @Scavenger, thanks for responding I was basing it on your thread since it sounds like you are well established. So you don’t buy kernals? You just go gather them yourself? Is that how you can afford to sell paint at 25c?
Have you been able to conduct this way at your farm? Would you be able to show me how you are able to multiply your paint from 1 kernal?
The rate of seed return seems to be 75 to 80% at my farm currently. So 40c maybe 50c is reasonible, but how does one make a profit if they are shooting for a break even purchase to sale price?
No problem. Yes we collect our own goo from the exos. Depending on whether it’s one or two of us, per trip we pull in an average of 1500-3000 goo kernels. Really depends on the planet though - we’ve come back from a day on an exo with darn near 5k kernels but another exo only yielded around 600 kernels with ease.
Also to answer your question on how we keep our price low, besides from collecting our own kernels, we have a huge farm. At least I think it’s big, I haven’t really seen anyone else’s full farms. We have 12,750 gleam we plant on, at the moment not all of the gleam is planted on but a majority is. We don’t really go for specific colors as we use more of a shotgun effect, though we are looking at growing a bit more purposely now that some of our color quantities are holding.
Awesome, thanks for the information. I’ll have to looking into gathering some goo to see how many pigments I can get from each kernal. The buy price of kernals seems high to me.
Theres a fair bit of math behind it. But look at it this way.
Lets say you have 1000 kernels of the color you want.
You plant it on rock, get 245% crop (25 extra from farming epic) and 80% seed return.
Thats roughly 2500 pigments. BUT you also get roughly 800 kernels back.
You plant those again, and boom, 2000 more pigments. And roughly 640 kernels back.
Repeat that cycle a few times and its easy to see that you can get a load of pigments off of a few kernels.
We’re talking pigments at the moment. But yes, a fully coiled machine turns 100 pigments into 124 cans. So even more profit.
My above calculation is barebones and doesnt include mutation rates. But i feel like you’re starting to understand now that 1 kernel can make many many pigments
Total of 6 pigments from one starting kernel. They may last longer might not. It’s that 75% chance of getting a kernel back and 25% of not. So if you plant 100 kernels you can expect to lose about a quarter of them after the first round. But you’ll have 75ish to use again.