Good oldies comeback?

Anyone of you vets interested hop on discord and meet In somewhere In boundless.

I mean like you all that are howering here the next update Or so.

Would be nice To catch up with People and just roam around what was Where and such

We could schedule something out?


Not sure if I count as a vet but would be fun :+1:


Does having more hours than the vets count me as a Vet Muhahaha :cookie:

But it be nice to see the Old Old players on like some examples

Etc Etc …


I 'm still here (more on forum than in game), i have most of my old builds standing, and i willling to play more. Hope to see you around


A couple of what was where that I miss seeing -
the big statue on top of Krafters shop
The portal to a shop that was sat in a crescent moon
Lord Boogie Blue’s shop, with the turning floor that scared the heck out of me
The Hubbit Network (though occasionally I go and look at the one area still preserved by Trundamere)
the local shops around each of the PS hubs.
Immarock’s pub on Storis
edited to add: Fuzzy’s planet blocks display museum


I’m not sure I count as I wasn’t EA but a launch week player, but I came back a couple of months ago at this point, would love to see some of the old vets around :slight_smile:


a bit shame this post didnt took off like i thought .

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I actually saw Jacey on 2 days ago, so people are still dropping in.
I literally haven’t seen Hash on since Ultima made their new Hub. It was so weird, he was setting up for a huge comeback and then just never came back. He still has a big plot reserved for him right next to me and Cassy in the hub as a reminder of just exactly how MIA he is lol.

Hopefully “something” will happen “soon” to pull us all back full time again. I think most of us really want to tbh.


im electricien not a vet hence why i did not contact you lol
come hang out in aqyatopia nia zed ka build something i will give you nothing just ow you like it
i just started work again holliday over when im not tired in evening i look into a get to gether for the og aqua people maybe little groupbuild lol

A lot of the other vets I keep up with don’t really check the forums much anymore, and those of us left are all parts of different crowds. It’s probably pretty difficult to get a crowd for something spontaneous.


Ye Well i havent even opeped the game for like half a year. When i do i usually just “ok still the same poop as always” :joy:.


Maybe this is the reason your thread is not taking of as u wanted it to go :smirk: :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m no vet, but I do play a lot. I think a lot of people have just moved on. I am quite sure a few might check in from time to time. I do miss a few people that I interacted with a good bit. @KArios and @whitelet were also very helpful and fun. @Larky was a big help to me.

In the end though, like any game it’s

While I can’t say the game is “poop”, it does wear on you after a good while depending on what you have on your plate. If you have a lot of portals and shops it’s quite tedious and “grindy” to keep portals fueled and shops stocked. It can, at times, just become tiresome.

Any game after playing it for a few years becomes stale even with regular updates and expansions. WoW is pretty good example, I went back and played it after a few years and found new content went through most of it and got caught up and once I did I was bored…uninstalled it and will probably wait for the next expansion to play it again and that might be a year or two who knows.

All that said, the game has a nice calming effect on me and thus I still play it. I also took about 2-3 months off. That helped. Hopefully some old vets return, I’ll remain hopeful.


Am I a good oldie? I’ve always considered my self more chaotic neutral tbh…


Do I count as a vet? Just decided to check the forum today


Oh no… “he’s” back! :rofl:

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Vets or not I hope you all come back and build something new. Be good to see some new build popping up.

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If there’s people I miss, it’s the two people from my first guild that I met on the first day of playing. They quit about 3 months after I started and tried to keep the guild going in their absence. They were a lot of fun. They never knew the forums existed, so they never posted here as far as I know.
Balltongue and Afreckta. Miss you guys.


Well I have in the game since its launch on ps4. I get on to check to see if there any news on boundless and have been somewhat playing more again.


I agree with you, it helps me as well. I love this game but like any game it can grow old after hundreds of hours of playing it. But coming back to an old favorite is a particularly nice feeling and now with the reclaim system it is better than ever.