[Gorgra] --[T5 - Turbulent Metal Exoworld]-- [Active]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 6207
Name : Gorgra
Type : Metal
Tier : T5 - Turbulent
Atmosphere : Lvl 3 Potent (3 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : β–² Lava | β–Ό Lava
Region : EU Central
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
30 blinksecs from Besevrona
Warp Cost : 2400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared August 24, 2023 2:19 AM
Last until August 29, 2023 5:40 AM

Blocks Colors

: New Color to this date
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld (clickable)
: Sovereign Selectable Color
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

∟110 Ashen Turquoise - Gleam 110 Ashen Turquoise - Pheminorum

∟245 Silk Turquoise - Igneous 245 Silk Turquoise - Delta Cancret
∟49 Oxide Azure - Metamorphic 49 Oxide Azure - Trior
∟113 Stale Turquoise - Sedimentary 113 Stale Turquoise - Trior

∟28 Silk Orange - Ancient Trunk 28 Silk Orange - Antar VI
∟51 Oxide Yellow - Lustrous Trunk 51 Oxide Yellow - Delta Cancret
∟169 Light Red - Twisted Trunk 169 Light Red - Biitula

∟84 Stale Tan - Exotic - 84 Stale Tan - Refgar
∟84 Stale Tan - Lush - 84 Stale Tan -
∟81 Warm Orange - Waxy - 81 Warm Orange - Maryx

∟16 Dark Fuchsia - Clay 16 Dark Fuchsia - Imdaari
∟47 Dark Turquoise - Peaty 47 Dark Turquoise - Circarpous I
∟26 Silk Cherry - Silty 26 Silk Cherry - Maryx
∟16 Dark Fuchsia - Mud 16 Dark Fuchsia - Refgar
∟26 Silk Cherry - Ash 26 Silk Cherry - Imdaari
∟112 Rust Slate - Gravel 112 Rust Slate - Trior
∟51 Oxide Yellow - Sand 51 Oxide Yellow - Sochaltin I

∟29 Silk Mustard - Barbed - 29 Silk Mustard - Maryx
∟33 Silk Yellow - Gnarled - 33 Silk Yellow - Refgar
∟14 Dark Orange - Verdant - 14 Dark Orange -

∟105 Light Mustard - Growth 105 Light Mustard - Refgar
∟229 Cool Azure - Ice 229 Cool Azure - Lamblis
∟207 Pale Cerulean - Glacier 207 Pale Cerulean - Lamblis
∟39 Dark Yellow - Mould - 39 Dark Yellow - Maryx
∟230 Ashen Blue - Sponge 230 Ashen Blue - Finata
∟33 Silk Yellow - Tangle 33 Silk Yellow - Refgar
∟14 Dark Orange - Thorns 14 Dark Orange - Maryx

∟56 Deep Slate - Cloneflower 56 Deep Slate - Maryx
∟113 Stale Turquoise - Gladeflower 113 Stale Turquoise - Refgar
∟85 Warm Yellow - Ghostflower 85 Warm Yellow - Maryx
∟54 Silk Teal - Spineflower 54 Silk Teal - Refgar

∟63 Silk Berry - Desert Sword 63 Silk Berry - Xa Frant
∟26 Silk Cherry - Oortian’S Staff 26 Silk Cherry - Eresho
∟35 Hot Moss - Rosetta Nox 35 Hot Moss - Antar VI
∟63 Silk Berry - Spineback 63 Silk Berry - Eresho
∟102 Ashen Taupe - Stardrop 102 Ashen Taupe -
∟32 Hot Tan - Traveller’S Perch 32 Hot Tan - Maryx
∟30 Hot Sepia - Trumpet Root 30 Hot Sepia - Refgar
∟25 Hot Cherry - Twisted Aloba 25 Hot Cherry - Maryx

∟42 Dark Mustard - Branch Funnel 42 Dark Mustard - Biitula
∟29 Silk Mustard - Clustered Tongue 29 Silk Mustard -
∟79 Warm Red - Glow Cap 79 Warm Red -
∟14 Dark Orange - Mottled Tar Spot 14 Dark Orange - Antar VI
∟81 Warm Orange - Tinted-Burst 81 Warm Orange - Circarpous I
∟39 Dark Yellow - Weeping Waxcap 39 Dark Yellow - Refgar


Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Iron Seam4,877,32029.96%132.31
2Copper Seam3,515,71121.60%95.37
3Soft Coal Seam2,689,37416.52%72.95
4Ancient Tech Remnant Seam2,205,98313.55%59.84
5Ancient Tech Component Seam1,611,8669.90%43.72
6Silver Seam603,5223.71%16.37
7Small Fossil Seam277,5631.71%7.53
8Gold Seam246,0711.51%6.68
9Titanium Seam172,2591.06%4.67
10Ancient Tech Device Seam78,7420.48%2.14

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Tuber Plant33,66222.33%0.91
2Basic Boulder32,68121.68%0.89
3Primordial Resin19,27112.78%0.52
4Kindling Mass9,7796.49%0.27
5Starberry Vine8,2215.45%0.22
6Desert Sword7,8845.23%0.21
7Twisted Aloba7,8345.20%0.21
8Combustion Fraction6,3234.19%0.17
9Beanstalk Boulder5,9143.92%0.16
10Boulder Tower5,6603.75%0.15
11Trumpet Root4,4482.95%0.12
12Oortian's Staff3,0822.04%0.08
13Rosetta Nox2,3481.56%0.06
14Tapered Boulder1,9881.32%0.05
15Spineback Plant1,4480.96%0.04
16Boulder Chip1750.12%0.00
17Stardrop Plant390.03%0.00


Scanned and block colors updated.

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erm… what??? GORGRA??? BARNTA??? why both are in 1 topic?

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Was trying to fix it but couldn’t update it :slight_smile:

it kinda confused me becouse i made a trip at Barnta, looked at this topic, o new exo, checked colors and … wait? same colors as Barnta? than look further and nootiiiiiced my mistake :slight_smile:

im going to take a trip in abit :slight_smile:

honestly, BARNTA? GORGRA? sounds like new pokemon names :smiley:

new type - exo pokemons :smiley:


we have some issue here

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If someone wants to edit the original post I can send you what to paste. Maybe you can do it @Tiggs or @majorvex?

You can message me on here or in Discord.

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Thank you @majorvex

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made a trip, posted at Diary :smiley:

i have 1 thing to add acording my yesterdays trip - i didnt found a single resin pool,
im not using atlas

I have put some atlas’s and location tokens in Dragonslair Besverona Hub

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