When running the game it runs just fine at high with everything on. However, after pushing it beyond that I notice that my game experience shows lower frame rates. When I check the power my GPU/ Video Card/ and other compnents my computer is using while running the game its not even using half power. So my question is: Does the current state of the game somehow not run smoothly on my Nvdia graphics card or is is it that my video card is not able to handle the game and displays incorrect data? My video card Nvdia GTX 970, 2 GB Video Card, 16GBs of RAM, i7 processor, 1 Terabyte disk space.
Boundless doesn’t (currently) fully take advantage of your multiple CPU cores. This is likely to show that the game isn’t even using half power. There are plenty opportunities for us to improve this as the game is developed. Likewise we will make some GPU optimisations once all the rendering and effects are final.
Turning everything up to maximum was mainly provided for players who wanted to take screenshots we didn’t expect players to actually play with this option. Possible it was mislabeled - “screenshot” might have been better.
So lots of improvements still to come…
I have an i5 4670k, GTX 980 4gb and 16 gb of ram. I can max out all settings except the option called terrain detail (I think that is what it is called) which I set at high and get between 40 to 60 fps at 1080p.
I also have a first gen base model of the Alienware alpha and I can play at the same settings as my full gaming rig. So you might be able to try those to get really good graphics and fps.
I also have an Alienware and the only difference seems to be our graphics card where yours is a 980 4Gb and mine is a 970 2BG. I did change it to match your settings and it runs beautifully! Thank you