Graphical bug kinda lets you see thru walls

Sometimes when I’m underground but near the surface some of the rock textures will disappear early and reveal the outside world. Notice the right side of this image:

And here is if I move my cursor a couple pixels to the side.

Potentially this is related to my field of view. I have it set to 110 which is wider than the default. If I drop the field of view to lower settings the glitch doesn’t happen, because it’s out of my view pane.

My coordinates are included in the screenshots.

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I have a slew of screenshot from today of similar. I lost the glitch(broke blocks) before sending a report, facdpalmed as I did it. Forgot about the bug report feature for a second.

For context, I was gathering peaty soil with a 3x3 aoe shovel. And I’m on PS4

I’ve not been able to reproduce either of these situations, but you have included screenshots as evidence, so that’s good enough to be added to the bug database.

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It’s impossible to grab the screens on PS4 but I’ve been using this bug since release to cheese the environment to find seams. It’s pretty easy to reproduce by staying at certain levels under water or next to the wall which generally has lava next to it, so a fluid like water.

I don’t know if the above are similar but that’s how I’m able to regularly reproduce it, by being next to a water/lava block.

I’ve noticed recently I am able to see through lava. I will try to remember to catch a screenshot next time.

Ps4 hold Share button to take a screenshot

And you can send them to a phone or other place through the PS Communities App

easy to reproduce… dig down to lava where water is… Simply let the water flood over the lava… dig down two 3ish spots into the rock/lava then dig forward (straight ahead not down) and eventually the lava/water will bug out and pop your head inside the stone… which makes it so you can see through lava/rocks etc.

Oh, that’s interesting. So it may be more likely to occur near lava and water.

@a13o, it’s a bit hard to tell from your original screenshots, but did this occur anywhere near water when you saw the issue originally?

Not that I know of, I was pretty high altitude on Alnitans which has no lava iirc. I believe my issue is different than the one others are reporting. I don’t get stuck in a state of see thru walls, I just get a missing wall texture when my viewport is positioned just so under mysterious circumstances. If I rest my viewport in the bugged spot at 110 FoV and lower it to 90 FoV I can’t see the glitch anymore and then I can set it back to 110 without moving and it will be back. So I still think mine is more FoV related. (And probably less severe than what others are reporting here.)

I haven’t been mining for a few days and I only ever get this issue when in my tunnels but I’ll keep collecting screenshots and debugging it next time it happens to me

I also play at 110 FoV if that helps track down the problem any.

This always seems to happen when I’m mining with a fully speced miner with a great 3x3 and speed brew. I believe I saved some video of this. Will look later when I am home

I just know that’s a way to trigger it. It has something to do with the players head client side, appearing inside of a block either through delay or the production of rock through water and lava. So with these examples, it is likely just somehow the head of the player is inside of a block.

I’ve noticed it digging mud with topaz aoe shovels and speed brews. For a split second my head is in the cell of the block i just broke while the block hasn’t updated and i can see through the terrain.