Grappling Hook

Hi everyone, maybe someone could help me, how do I craft a grappling hook?

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Thank you, almost there now I just need to find a large fossil!

Any fossil will work since they give different amounts of extract

small - 1 extract (25 if you find 18 to make a bulk)

medium - 4 extract (100 if you find 18 but they’re rare)

large - (haven’t found one yet)

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Ok, thanks for the helpful information. I have yet to find another fossil despite searching, I’m hoping to find them on the surface without having to spend time mining.

you can find loads of them in the caves. You’ll usually find a large fossil vein every… i think 100-300 blocks away

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Oh ok, thank you! :slight_smile:

Hey Alexander, do you know how to use the grappling hook by any chance? I know how to contract it and pull myself up but can’t seem to find how how to detract it and let myself down.

Default key is C to lower yourself down

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Yeah whatever your sneak key is lowers you. It is by default C I think, but I changed mine to shift because pressing C to crouch is awful.

Wait… you can crouch with C? I tried that and it didn’t work.

check your key binding settings for “sneak” I think.