Gripes & Suggestions

After playing the game longer here are some things I have a problem with, and some things I would add or change. Whether their good or not is up to you. You may have a different experience.

  1. New Player Experience

Many of the low tier planets straight up suck. Becken or whatever and a few others are annoying to traverse. Either theres lots and lots of water to traverse or theres tons of small pieces of land surrounded by caverns of water. The land there is often has many elevation changes with no easy way tp simply walk around. Even with one of the low tier grapples you can eventually get their super slow to reel in and sometimes will not even reach far enough.

These issues need to be fixed by either changing the terrain of the starter planets or giving grapples to new characters.

  1. The Skill Tree…

The skill tree IMO sucks as is. You are entirely gated from stuff with this tree uness you make alts. This is a poor design that will simply cause people to quit early or later on when they realise skill pages have limits on skills per page. Nothing like being a miner or hunter and finding out you cant craft anything to get to a new planet, or realising once you can get to a dangerous planet you dont have the points to simply survive there. Once you are able to get there you will likely die cause your weapons suck and are weak and have no forged effects on them and enemies aggro on you. No matter what you choose you will have issues.

The skill trees should be divided to combat specific and everything else. There should only be skill point limits on combat stuff like energy, hp, resists, damage with fists or bows and so on and made into epic choices so you can only specialize in 1 thing at a time. New skill pages should be only for the combat stuff.

  1. Experience Gains

Experience gains are pretty slow. Getting to 50 is going to take ages especially when you cant make your own gear thats good.

The whole stone xp thing needs to be cut in half and then gaining xp from combat and other methods needs to scale up. Xp for levels past 40 need to be reduced.

  1. Trees

Leaves do not decay when a trunk is removed from a tree and thus leaves float until the area regens. Ive always hated games that lack decay when their copying minecraft. I would prefer tree felling be in game so removing the bottom trunk of a tree automatically destroys the entire tree. Can make it a forge effect on axes.

  1. Durability

A game with durability but no way to repair it on tools and weapons is mind blowing. Why I should have to make brand new weapons and tools with new sets of forged effects consistently daily is beyond me. Thats not fun, its tedious and annoying. Make a machine that repairs stuff and add stuff in skill tree to reduce cost and increase how much durability is repaired.

  1. Towns and Settlements

I went to all the hubs and capitals in each of first couple tiers of planets mainly to see their shops and malls. Astonishingly I found that 95 percent of the shops were empty, or had only a few left over items over priced no one wants. Out of the hours i spent doing this I only saw 2 players. These cities were filled with useless structures that simply wasted space and added tons of lag in some situations like in many guardian hub locations. These wastes of space make their settlements seem great cause they have ao much stuff built but really their just filled and empty. Their not filled with active citizens at all. In fact I even see frequently newer players like myself asking in help chat if this game is dead cause this game looks and feels dead. Why inactive settlements and shops are allowed to stick around is crazy cause they steal tons pf land and resources from active players by owning the plots of land. This is made easier with Gleam membership as people can quit for months and not worry that their plots are gone.

If settlements are not active they should disolve. I dont care how much they built.

  1. Armor

All the endurance skill tree stuff should be on gear not in a skill tree. How you can put a point in some form of hazard protection and magically be ok on a dangerous world is just immersion breaking. Obviously its done this way cause its a lazy way of not needing to make armor for different character models. But this also clutters the skill tree and wastes points. Alternatively give these free upon level up milestones up to level 50. So we can use those points elsewhere.

  1. Progression

With the way the skill tree is set up it really kills progression. It doesn’t help that the progression is not taught to you or explained. If it wasnt for people building portal hubs and some shops actually selling stuff a new player could literally be unable to progress if they dont get into crafting, if they ever go to a settlement that is. If they dont know about settlements and shops and they try to do everything solo, as long as they cant make spark related machines they will never get off their planet. Once they pass 20 resets are limited. Im not really sure if forcing people to make alts is a good idea. Personally ive never seen anyone willingly want to make alts cause they have no choice other than to grind infinite xp. People like to make alts in pvp rpg games like runescape or rpg heavy games with real skill trees like diablo or path of exile. But this is a minecraft like game, and no one ever makes alts in these games. If you were forcing more mmorpg mechanics into the game it would make sense. But when its simple crafting stuff that everyone should have access to for free with no skill points that you are forcing us to make alts for, thats just crazy.

  1. Wires and levers and such dont exist

A redstone alternative would really be great. Likewise ways of making stuff more autonomous or smart. Like if i got a shelf next to a workbench and im looking at recipes it should be able to pull required items from adjacent shelves. This idea can apply to all machines even machines next to machines so they can pull outputs of other machines into their inputs. The more efficient we can be the less huge we need to build and thats better for the servers.

  1. More to come its late
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The worst are the swiss cheese planets. They’re honestly ridiculous and so annoying trying to travel across, 1-3 blocks between 20x20 holes in the ground for miles and stuff like that

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One of the early planets has all land in a spiral pattern around the planet with the rest filled with water. Great for building over water, horrible to travel around.

I see you’ve been to Kada

But yeah I’ve suggested starter grapple many times


I mean I like that you can’t do everything on one character. I know people make alts to get around it but I mean that’s one appeal of this game for me. I’m an explorer. I don’t have the skill for high level farming and hunting and crafting. I put all my points in agility. Grapple mastery. Energy epics. Gathering epic. Etc. And I explore and gather. I buy all of my grapples and bean collector axes because I don’t craft and forge. This game wasn’t meant for you to be able to do absolutely everything. It’s meant for you to get enough skills to do a main job you enjoy, and you can participate in the in game economy for things you can’t craft or forge etc.

That’s how I’ve looked at it at least. I like that you CANT do everything on your own personally.

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This game doesn’t have the playerbase required for this. When theres less than 20 active players on the first 5 tiers of planets how are you supposed to get the stuff you cant make yourself. Of those, even less read chat.

Have you tried visiting player shops, their attrociously empty, shoved into small plots of settlements with thousands of plots of wasted space. Their disorganized, confusing, and have no sense of direction. Just for me to find a copper bowslinger under 6000 credits took me several hours until i found a shop selling titanium bowslingers forged with damage for only 300 credits. When i wanted to buy spark generators and links cause i cant make them i never even found a shop selling any. I got lucky someone eventually read the help chat and they made some for me.

They built a game around the hopes it would be popular enough for this design to work. Fact is its not a popular game at all and most of the players who are active have both tons of alts, and have been here so long they basically have nothing to do.

Theres under 200 daily active players on steam. Probably a lot less on PS4. A major cause is this stupid skill tree.

I visit player shops daily. Like Actually daily. That’s how I play. I buy almost everything. And to say they’re empty I think tells me you’re just not in the right places. (which I’ll agree that’s an issue in and of itself that you have to know where to go to find these items) but have you been to DK mall? Have you been to Gyosha mall? Have you been to naughty mall? Or the Sydney market? Those are my most visited malls and I’ve never once had an issue finding something I need between those 4 places. There are very active malls with plenty of player shops filled with items. Have you found any of these malls? If not I’d be happy to bring you to any of them. But to say there isn’t enough items for sale in the economy is just wrong in my opinion. I seriously haven’t had any issues buying what I need yet and have somewhere between 400-600 hours in the game.


You need to learn to use shop scanner, and learn where all the people live. We exist :blush:


Do you know of the shop finder in the Knowledge tab? search whatever item you need in knowledge then click the “buy from” tab and it’ll list all the shops on that planet selling what you are looking for as well as the price and how many are available. If you then click the shop you want it’ll set a waypoint on your map to find it.

Unfortunately I think the source of many of your gripes is that the game is really hard to play if you aren’t on the forums and read up on everything you need to know.

1,2,3,5,7,8 have to do largely with exp or finding things you need when you don’t have exp.
People use this to find what they need to buy:
You can earn good exp at the Serpensarindi gleam farm. I suggest getting an AoE Hammer (I will gladly hook you up with your first one for free, I’m Alwin in game as well. If you need a grapple I can give you that too, and I’ll give you a teaching pie) and having the following skills (in order of priority):
3 Power
Damage Epic
5 more Power (max out power attribute)
10 hammer mastery points (5 from individual skill, 5 from an epic)
If you can’t afford all these skills it just means you need a slightly stronger hammer to 1-shot the gleam. I reached level 40 in my first day with my friend’s help, mostly mining rocks (which is slower exp tbh) but also mining gleam. After that I had most of the levels I wanted so I slowed down on leveling :slight_smile:

I won’t address 4,5,6,9 since my background isn’t from minecraft. There are certainly features missing. My favorite part of the game as it currently is, is the community. Portals + forum will help you find that.

Thats 30 mins of my whole day yesterday visiting malls, capitals, and major hubs via portal networks. As you can see everything was basically empty. Most not restocked since last year.

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I do not know others, but I do have my store out of date and practically empty. The reason is that we have been a long time without external BUTT store finders, and it was boring for me to restock raw materials for store without that help. Now we have the tool back, but I’m involved with other projects and it doesn’t give me time for more. We will return to normal soon, I hope.

And hopefully in the future the search engine improves and we can search for blocks by colors and forged tools.

I have 600 hours in game, and honestly, I have to agree with this a bit, at least with the lack of players, or rather in better words, how spread out they are. Even in the very most active malls in the game, you’ll rarely see more than one or two players on the radar nearby. I’ve definitely seen quite a lot of very active players, but I think they’re just so spread out that almost every build ends up feeling like an empty wasteland a bit. Unless you’re actively looking for players, you’ll likely only have a player come anywhere near your place while you’re online once every week or 2 weeks. My own coping with this is to try to build a community within the town I’m building to make the world feel a little more alive, and I personally wouldn’t know how to fix the issue with players being so spread out.

I guess I’d suggest you join something like the TNT discord and other discords like that and join the hunts they host. They often have quite a lot of players hunting, so it can cure that feeling of isolation in game, at least temporarily.

I probably have something like 2000 hours logged and only have one alt, which I created on a whim and don’t even need since I cover all my needs sufficiently with the five skill sheets. Alts are not required. That said, I think skill pages could be better and much more involved.

I myself am looking for more content updates. Dwelling on and refining the mechanics can go on forever. So plus one from me for levers and such.