GTG Marathon HUNT

Thank you for the wonderful awesome hunt… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Also thanks for the prize/rewards…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



… and here’s a bunch of us going through that last gate to come home.

In the future, this will be called this generation’s war.

Because they did it from home … yes. :wink:


Massive congratulations to @DeViLiShBeCkS @CaptAmerica1611 and everyone else involved for a fantastic super well organised hunt, what a great night it was. So disappointed I didnt make it to the end, I had to unceremoniously bow out at about hour 7, i decided it was time when i feel asleep twice standing at a Meteor :rofl: :rofl:

cant wait to hear who made it the full 12hrs

Thanks again


Thanks for all the revives, the eXcellent slingbows. It was my 2nd hunt and first voice chat room…so adjusting to the newness and psychic titillation. I wanna zoom, zoom, zoom ah zoom. That’s been the most topside action I’ve had in a while.

It was fun seeing peoples toons from the forums - and then having the voices. And then seeing folks whose post I’ve read and blah blah blah.

Oh and why I came back for this edit



Hopefully the people who ended up with the bows I forged worked well for them :sweat_smile: I usually only forge hammers :sweat_smile:


I only managed the first few hunts as had to be somewhere today, but will try stick one out if it fits my colander. Hope to see more of these in the future.


Good job everyone that participated :clap:

Tomorrow same time?

tenor (3)

naaah just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:


I had a great time with you guys for the first few planets. I kinda fell asleep, lol.
Great hunt and ty for the event


I just personally want to thank everyone that turned out for the Marathon Event! I was blown away by the support and turn out that we received! Thank you to everyone that helped make this happen! Huge shout out to @DeViLiShBeCkS for being the master hunt leader that she is!!
We will be posting a list of the prizes that were won by individuals that were not present at time of the Prize Drawings and figuring out a way to get those to them!
Once again, THANK YOU to this COMMUNITY, probably my favorite game COMMUNITY I have ever been apart of!


Do you have a list of who won what? For those of us who missed the drawing

I’m pretty curious about this one. Schedule?

Ohhhh I get it. Calendar :slight_smile: Colander is like a strainer
I’m sure your English is better than my < insert other language here>





Ah, Samski is Dutch? Cool


no clue just fancied saying so :relieved: because its weekend

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Thank You Leaders, Guilds, and Organisers!

Whilst it might’ve sounded like I was grousing (well, I guess it was kind of grousing, at least) for the entire thing, it was never in a complaining tone, and was always just … “for ■■■■’s sakes, I’m so ■■■■ at this game!

(I tried to ensure that I caveated that as often as possible because zeal is real)

Anyway, I wanted to add to the public thanks for a well organised event, and (despite the chat going ridiculously quiet later on (I mean, you can’t type out your snoring, I suppose :wink: ), there was a lot of helpful words for any of the newbies on the hunt like me.

Also, sorry if I sounded weird in acceptance of the prize … I’d been up for a good 24 hours by that point, but I’m also awful at winning … just not in the “putting down the others” sense … more in the “not knowing how to accept gracefully” sense.

I want to try to give back, though. So I’ll try to keep the lights on with a few portals on Sochaltin I (home), and also to help out with newbie stuff. Because (and this will shock no-one that’s met me in game) I guarantee that if you’re new, you probably already understand more of it than I do … but you might still have the some of the same stupid questions that I’ve had a million of. So we can do stuff together … learny stuff … and build ■■■■. :slight_smile:

I will … also … spend the prize on myself. :sunglasses:

They were ■■■■■■■ brilliant, mate! :thumbsupall:

(i won’t stop until slack’s thumbsupall is everywhere)

Well … for a newbie like me. :smirk:

Edited by Stretchious. If you notice profanity escaping the profanity filter, please remove it from your posts. Boundless and thus the forums is marketed as 7+.


Wow I actually see a swear word in there. Surprised.


Go go gadget profanity filter!

Apparently it’s ok to discuss the activity, just not the equipment … :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Sorry about that. I’m a sweary ■■■■.

I was literally just looking for a way to turn off the profanity filter in the forum. :laughing:




you know it



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