GUI: New Inventory in motion (and that's all no leaks)

I like it,makes sense too.
Voxcel game,cube,box,cubes,boxes,voxcels.:kissing:
In fact it could be the little box thing on the pelvis of the first race.

That’s almost exactly what we were planning, actually! :slight_smile:


Interesting discussion – we’ve had it internally a few times.

Floating ‘holographic’ GUI does tent to set quite a high-tech / sci-fi tone. It sets unclear expectations about what GUI is/is not in world. When those lines start to blur (you’re seeing your and other people’s GUI) you’re presenting a lot of visual information, so you need a good reason for doing so. Is it important to see other people’s GUI? What’s the reason for showing it? It’s an interesting discussion.

My current preference is that we visualise the player’s state clearly (eg: in an inventory the player is rummaging around, looking in a bag, whatever). That way it’s clear to everyone what that player is up to and not just staring off into the abyss or into so tiny square GUI panel :laughing:

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this is precisely why, for one thing it encourages you to not just flash around with what you are doing, so if you pull up your inventory and people can see that you have 100 rare materials then they might follow you around hoping you will die to somethign so they can get it, would make a cool gameplay aspect.

and the 2nd reason is the whole playing with a friend, guild, stuff. have you never had the problem with like ‘‘what stats do you have man’’ and you have to read the entire thing up? in this case you could just open your Hud and fling it to your friend, its not like your friend can rummage through the stuff only look, you are the only person who can change the HUD

3)it allows for a more dynamic interaction with players in my eyes, for example you cant just get information like most games, you would have to ask the person to show you their stats, you cant just use inspect, you have to ask the player to show what they are wearing, you cant just inspect. I think the game should have an inspect feature but this would add a choice to it, you could ofc make it as an extremely simple version of when people try to inspect you, you get a prompt asking ‘‘do you allow this player to inspect your items’’ but that is again a disconnected menu from the game and not part of the actual game.

  1. is you always talk about things that would make the game feel original and cool, this is one thing i have personally never seen in a game, an actual display of your items, and again, to tie the display into the physical world rather than the display being an extremely simplified version of what your bag, which is what all games do right?

this is not the actual bag, its a representation of what the player SEES in the bag, but why is that? why not just make the display sort of the ‘‘actual bag’’ or make it a logical part of the game rather than just representation (sorry i know this is an iccky thing to try and understand cause its very confusing)

maps are a great reprentation though, for example world of warcrafts map is a literal map, its the map of the areas you are in, its not a disconnect thing you can see because you are controlling the character but its a thing the actual character can see.

its a very blurry line though, but those are just my reasons for having a visual heads up display.


still doesnt make the whole ‘‘magic bag’’ thing more original, i would love for them to move away from it, I personally also quite like G_Sage’s idea of an inventory cube


I just had another idea.
We all said that a combination of the inventory with a sort of infinite Oort cube would be a reasonable idea.

So how about this:
All the characters already have this Oort cube attached to their belt. That’s what we’ve seen from the characters so far.

Now how to access it. I mean I’m a fan of the hologram. And since we have such a high-tech Oort race from whom we can find technology, it wouldn’t be such a far shot. But I had another idea.

Why not make it so you only see your inventory in your mind? I mean the Oort cube is kind of closed off (kind of, because you need a way to get your stuff out of it). And on top of that it’s almost infinite. So how could anyone search through a thing like that?

With their minds.

The animation could be something like: Your character puts one hand on the cube and another one on their forehead. Symbolizing some sort of connection. And for yourself the screen might go black, because you close your eyes (or not if you keep them open) and only you/your mind can now see your inventory.

The grid of the inventory could also be explained with how ones mind tries to sort all these items, which could potentially be infinit, into a system it can comprehend.

That was just a little bit of a different approach I came up with. What do you all think about it?

That way we can reach into our crotchs and pull out a whole HOST of things :kissing_closed_eyes:


How about a chest that transfers objects to a Holding dimension…like a portable worm hole kinda…I love science but dont have the brain power to figure out how the Oort could have done it :wink:

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The wormhole idea is good i think. Maybe you could open a little portal and have a rummage around in there :slight_smile:

It’s the best of both world really, like combining the sci-fi and the bag ideas, and keeping it within the theme of Oort, because portals are a big part of the game :smile:

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I’d like fanny packs over public indecency pls.

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Magical wrist watch = magical bag in terms of realism. The difference is theming I guess. Also I’m averse to apple watches.
But yeah, most voxel games never covered the whole “unrealistic amounts of materials in your pocket” thing. That said, if we wanted realism, we’d all be shlepping around bags of only ~10 blocks at a time, and nothing would ever get built, and all the children would die of boredom.

There is a difference on ‘‘realism’’ and ‘‘more logic approach’’ not necessarily saying it have to be realistic, but i would like for the bag, like everything else, to make sense in the term of lore, tie it into the lore of the world, so instead of being ‘‘oh i have this magic bag for no reason’’ its more like ‘‘Oh it seems i have been born with this cube/bracelet etc’’

but yes, in terms of realism its always hard to distinguish :smile:

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I LOVE it.

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How about the bag can only hold a certain amount of blocks at first and you can upgrade it with oort stones or something to increase its magic holding capabilities.


I still like my pelvis block idea.


you are entitled to.


Yeah i talked about it here

but we dont know if inventory would be expandable, i like the idea of being able to carry more stuff but i also think it should be kinda logical, i think a wow bag system would be cool where you could find different sizes of bags to equip and then you have 4 + your main equipped at all times (if we have to do a magic bag system anyways) :smile:

This would still be highly unrealistic. I´m currently renovating my balcony and I can barely carry around 1/30 m³ of Sandstone :smile:

Yeah but putting 10 pieces of Tauren chest armor into a ‘Small Silk Pack’ is also quite unlogical :smile:

There are gameplay elements where applying logic makes sense but the inventory is (imo) not one of them. In Voxel games you can drag around entire mountains in your non-visible backpack, You can carry around dozens of oversized swords/guns in any RPG. I´m fine if they just make it balanced and comfortable to use no matter what lore they put behind it / if they put lore behind that.

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Yep, it is in no way logical, but since people seem to throw the entire idea of having it atleast make sense out the window, might as well go back to basics :smile:

also for that post the point was not ‘‘wow bags are logical’’ but they are ATLEAST more logical by saying, the more bags you have the more you can carry, the bigger bags you have the more you can carry, such a system