A little tutorial would solve that issue. A game “bragging” about it’s uniqueness(and the links are original) shouldn’t call it’s currency just coin.
For me, a good game should be intuitive, and an intuitive game shouldn’t need a tutorial. You should be able to just pick up and play, without the need to be told “go here” or “do this”.
I’m not saying I’m in full support of the term “coin”. All I am saying is that it is a universally known term for currency. I think as long as “coin” is displayed in-game in an intuitive and an immediately understandable way, which I strongly believe it will be, it can be called anything you like really - although, adding a known term or phrase to an object / function just lends additional weight to how immediately identifiable it is.
You could do this by having the currency be sectioned off to the rest of your items. As soon as a player encounters a shop it should click that the links are currency.
i hope to see its oon ingame ^^ i hope the new bar is than 1 line ^^
I think the concept of currency is so incorporated in our everyday live that its pretty easy to grasp, regardless of its name (Final Fantasy: Gil / Legend of Zelda Rupees / EvE Online : ISK / The Elder Scrolls : Septims or Drakes, there are hundreds of games with unusual naming for their currency and I´d never considered that as unintuitive or confusing)
I beg to differ - by way of example, an occurrence in this very thread…
If someone has to ask the question … it’s not intuitive. Most of us already know it’s “Coin” as we’ve frequented the forums often enough to remember the posts regarding the name - and given opinions on it.
I know these are place holder images and not final, and that it can be easily remedied by simply placing the links/coin image in place of the ‘C’. Again, I’m not against it being named something other than ‘coin’, I’m merely identifying that it needs to be intuitive and identifiable by everyone, not just seasoned gamers.
I agree that coin, albeit being terribly generic, is the most recognizable word for currency (besides maybe currency itself^^) and as I understood it you merely wanted to point that out^^
Well, Links look like a “C”, so the “c” as a sign for prices seems also fitting. I you make it a bit stylistic it could look good while giving the right “intuitivity” to be recognized as a currency. I dislike “coin” as a name for a currency - more then cheap pseudoreal TV-shows and -series (We call’em “Hartz-IV-TV” over here and there is normaly NOTHING more annoying then those shows!)
Links sounds cool, look quite like a coin if pressed and designed well and seems more fitting to the whole Boundless-feeling … Being something “different” and not “just the next clone”