Having been on the forum for a while i have discovered that people have absolutely no idea about how the use the features. So i made a little guide.
When replying to multiple posts or multiple parts of a single post you can make quotes for single pieces of text
This can be done by marking the text and pressing the button that appears afterwards.
Doing this helps to lessen the amounts of posts and removes clutter from the thread.
If you want to add a video to your post copy the youtube URL
And add the link to your post discourse does the rest of the work for you.
To further reduce clutter remember that the edit button is always available so double posting does not become necessary when you feel like adding something to what you said:
*When creating a new topic remember to use the search function first, often you can find related topics and this way you avoid having multiple topics about the same thing.
You can also search in the specific topic by pressing the “search topic” button which can be found right bellow the search bar.
Remember to press the like button if you agree with peoples statements or if you think they have an important point, this makes it easier to get an overall look on the topic and get an idea about where the more important points are made.
If you want to write some text as a linklike this:
Take these steps:
[1]: http://www.google.com
If you want to avoid spoiling important plot parts in media for other forum user the Spoiler tag can conveniently be used:
[spoiler]text here[/spoiler]
If you want to make headings or just larger part of text use the # symbol
For every # you use the text shrinks a bit
For splitting up the text into smaller bits you can use 3 dashs in a row to create the lines i have used to split up the sections in this guide.
The discourse team has resently added a much improved poll feature that can be found here:
Using these simple features makes the discourse simpler to use for everyone around you