[Guide] The Methodology to Forging Everything - V2.3 - Added Repair Spanner

Both are made the same way, the only difference is the tool you forge with

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I am pointing out that they both say “Solidifier.” That’s all. I did follow your guide to make the liquid breaker, and it worked great. (As usual.) Thanks again.

Question @Vansten … someone like myself who is hit n miss when it comes to forging and the gleambow event coming up soon… is there a quick guide to follow or is it similar to one of the above. I need more of them fancy gleam :blush:

This is so helpful. I often go months without forging certain things and forget which gums to use for them. The guide is very intuitive. Kudos :metal:

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If you are referring to AoE Gleambow Totems, it should be the same as AoE Solidifers but with Effect Gum instead of Venerable Gum.

You could also try replacing Pure Boon with Corrupted Boon II or Draining Boon II, which would forge faster but with higher chance of quirks and defects,

Awesome thank you I will give it a go :slight_smile:

Does anyone know why the design decision was made not to allow grapples to be forged with the magnetic blessing and the speed of action blessing?

extra damage boon type?

Effect gum for the damage.

Here all the boons quirks defects etc and how u get them :slight_smile:

thanks! i can forge thor’s hammer now!


This guide was a lifesaver and really helped me get into forging. Thanks Vansten for being a rockstar!


Small Little update, changed a few things around to make the guide clearer, and added a section for AoE Bombs, as well as an added link to wakenbakes’ lucent gem forging method

Unfortunately I also wanted to add another part for repair spanners, but it appears the post has reached the character limit of 32000, so the best I can do Is add it here.

Repair Spanners

Difficulity: :star: :star: :star:

Click to Expand


Repair Spanners are simply spanners that are forged with extra repair and action speed. While this may seem unnecessary, late-game users may find the time-saving attributes of such a spanner invaluable when working in large workshops. In addition, we will also be adding extra durability to the spanner.


Round 1: - Effect Gum

Round 2: - Effect Gum

Round 3: – Corrupted Boon I

  • If you get no boons, repeat Round 3

  • If you get a boon that isn’t Wear and Tear, use Deconstruction Resin III and try again

Round 4: - Vigor Catalyst II

Round 5: - Lightness Gum

Round 6: - Lightness Gum

Round 7: - Corrupted Boon I

  • If you get no boons, repeat round 7

  • If you get a boon that isn’t Busy Bee, use Deconstruction Resin III and try again

Round 8: - Vigor Catalyst II

Round 9: - Longevity Gum

Round 10: - Longevity Gum

Round 11: - Longevity Gum

Round 12: - Corrupted Boon I

  • If you get no boons, repeat round 12

  • If you get a boon that isn’t Heavy-duty, use Deconstruction Resin III and try again

Round 13: - Vigor Catalyst II

Round 14: - Protection Paste

Round 15: - Protection Paste

Round 16: - Protection Paste

Round 17: - Fate Paste

Round 18: - Fate Paste

Round 19-27: – Corrupted Boon Compound I

  • Keep repeating round 19 until you run out of the protection buff (which should occur after 8 rounds)

Round 30: – Vigor Catalyst II

Round 31: – Protection Paste

Round 32: – Fate Paste

Round 33: – Pure Boon Compound III

  • Repeat round 33 until Stability reaches <110

Forged a titanium spanner without doing that method. became just as good as a gem spanner

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maybe u like to start up a forged tool shop…
maybe someday… :slight_smile:

maybe… can’t wait to get tool that deals with water because i’m eager to “farm”. Gotta do a high tier foraging expo for ingredients. Giant todo list… lol

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Would be nice to have a dropdown list of “harvest tool” steps for me and for new players both lol

What do you mean by “harvest tools”? There’s a guide to AoE tools and a guide to liquid collectors. What other harvest tools are there?

If you mean crop harvesting you can just forge a wooden AoE hammer and skip the damage step (steps 1 to 4) which would be easier to forge.

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Some people use aoe tillers along with aoe totems @Vansten


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