Guild Books and Banning people

You can all see the damage as it has been broadcast on the forums - which should not have been done in the first place. Grievances with other players need to go through the correct channels (the forum is not one of them) so they can be investigated with logs of information at the developers disposal, instead of turning into a witch hunt.

I’m not saying this particular occurrence has turned into a witch hunt - it clearly hasn’t (and it seems pretty clear cut to me that the players in question are certainly trolling), but the rules need to be consistent across the board. There can be no grey areas, otherwise it’s all open to interpretation and people will look for loopholes to get their grievances heard by others.

I’m of a differing opinion, in that there are always 2 sides to every story (or issue) - Wonderstruck are in the unique position of being able to see everything that happens in game, so are therefore in a better position to cast judgement for any wrongdoing. They do and always will need time to investigate any issues, so that they’re not just wading in and swinging wildly, or unjustly, with a ban hammer.

Both are not ok, but for obvious different reasons. The forums are, first and foremost, to discuss the game - not the people playing it. Again, the proper channels need to be used for grievances.

I think a blacklist would be a very good idea - especially with the non-moderated open signup option (not having a blacklist kind of renders that option useless - or at best severely flawed).
If one were implemented, it could probably link the blacklisted character name with an steam/psn account (even beyond a character deletion), so that an entire player account can be blocked from even requesting to join a guild.

On a slightly different note, I wonder if it would be helpful to create a new thread listing guilds and their leadership, so players with grievances can contact the leaders of any guild via direct message for an initial attempt at resolution.

Edit: I went ahead and created one, if people are interested … List of Guilds & Guild Leadership