Guild Books and Banning people

Yea only a handful of places were even closed on Easter. And really I wouldn’t call it a handful. More like a couple. As for Easter Monday this is the first I’ve heard of such a thing. But I’ve pretty much only worked in the warehouse/printing industry and holidays aren’t really a thing for us. There’s only 2 holidays that the building closes.

My personal recommendation is to build a guild under some restrictions. Many people leave during this process but now after some months you will have a strong guild. Within chiselknights we have strong bonds and high trust to each other and no such situation like this ever happened to us.

Granting building perms to newcomers is just… eh… Devs have nothing to do with it.

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I mean, you could change guild settings to join request or whatever for the time being. Those who want to join will apply via guildbook and then you just accept those that are not douchebags.

Besides, I was not giving you slack, just said what most likely was the case. Just like you telling me your opinion on solo players.

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This isn’t the right thing to do. We can all see the damage that is being done in game. It’s very important to also see how it is resolved.

At the moment the impression I have is that Wonderstruck sides with the trolls, they seem to love drama. See what happened at Legendville Mall. And, even without the forum, you can still see the damage that was done (or could a few weeks ago) because it wasn’t resolved in a satisfying way.

And that’s driving me away from the game. At the moment it is ok to, on purpose, destroy other peoples builds. But it’s not ok to mention that on the forum. And only the person who tells the tale on the forum is “punished”. If you can’t see the absurdity in that I don’t know.

Edit: I stand corrected, which makes me very happy.


The warden of a settlement should be able to ban trolls from their settlement. Some sort of crippling debuff for entering a settlement you’ve been banned from!


You can all see the damage as it has been broadcast on the forums - which should not have been done in the first place. Grievances with other players need to go through the correct channels (the forum is not one of them) so they can be investigated with logs of information at the developers disposal, instead of turning into a witch hunt.

I’m not saying this particular occurrence has turned into a witch hunt - it clearly hasn’t (and it seems pretty clear cut to me that the players in question are certainly trolling), but the rules need to be consistent across the board. There can be no grey areas, otherwise it’s all open to interpretation and people will look for loopholes to get their grievances heard by others.

I’m of a differing opinion, in that there are always 2 sides to every story (or issue) - Wonderstruck are in the unique position of being able to see everything that happens in game, so are therefore in a better position to cast judgement for any wrongdoing. They do and always will need time to investigate any issues, so that they’re not just wading in and swinging wildly, or unjustly, with a ban hammer.

Both are not ok, but for obvious different reasons. The forums are, first and foremost, to discuss the game - not the people playing it. Again, the proper channels need to be used for grievances.

I think a blacklist would be a very good idea - especially with the non-moderated open signup option (not having a blacklist kind of renders that option useless - or at best severely flawed).
If one were implemented, it could probably link the blacklisted character name with an steam/psn account (even beyond a character deletion), so that an entire player account can be blocked from even requesting to join a guild.

On a slightly different note, I wonder if it would be helpful to create a new thread listing guilds and their leadership, so players with grievances can contact the leaders of any guild via direct message for an initial attempt at resolution.

Edit: I went ahead and created one, if people are interested … List of Guilds & Guild Leadership


Begin another guild they can join freely as apprentice and then handpick people for real guildbook when you notice they help you

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I am curious I may have missed this. How can people simply joining a guild greif your town center?

This all goes back to what I have been saying for months. This is a territorial game there will be territorial disputes Folks arent going to “just work it out on their own” (james quote). There needs to be A. A in game report function that actually works B. A GM to handle disputes right away before they even get to a forum you have to dance around to get your point across of whats happening.

I say this every instance these pop up (and its pretty regular) yet silence until next time. Insanity definitition doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result So either I’m crazy or the Devs are or both who knows lol.


We know your just a bit crazy Conkuur, though its okay :+1:

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If this ever becomes a thing then warden status should not be prestige based. That’s just gonna cause a mess of problems.

But I will agree some type of voted leadership should have the ability to remove the parasites.


No one had build permissions… they were just new members who decided to join us the wreak havoc on our community.

Some one closed the other thread saying it needs to be reported on the “In game report function” Show of hands anyone that EVER got a response from “In game report Function”?

I have put in several in the months I have played never got any reply at all. Herein lies the problem why folks are here.


I’ve only had to ever put in one harassment report but it was for another player’s wellbeing and not something I felt I had to be involved with for the followup.

It was a very serious issue, but yeah i feel as long as it was delt with I didn’t need to be involved further.

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Yup same here. Reported a beacon that was a build against CoC. Reported for a friend and the town he lived in. But I don’t need to know what steps were taken.

I have reported issues in game, such as offensive player names, via PM to James and gotten responses that action had been taken. Haven’t used the report problem function yet so cannot comment there.

I fried my beacon when I first started playing because the little space you have at first I figured as long as the coil was making it to the machine I was cool next thing I knew my beacon was floating and all my plots were gone and in my inv.

I figured well surely this needs addressing used the in game report function and nothing waited a few days then posted on forums it got fixed after that but I personally was never responded to on the in game report. Had other issues game related and same deal always ended up coming here for remedy.

I even started a post “Where does the ingame reports go?” and that was quietly unanswered. A Dev did respond and say they address them here in the forums. When I said “No I mean in game reports.” there was no further replies.


At reapers no one can just join. You have to find the guild book. Pass the Reapers obstacle course and labyrinth. And the I still have to actually add them to the guild. Everyone who’s joined has been really cool so far. I want all my guild members to be nice and respectful. Though if you don’t pass your name goes on the wall of weakness until you finish it. Lol. Everyone’s been cool with this as far as I know. Youngest member-7. Most deaths on the obstacle coarse is 76. Reapers never give up! You CAN do it!


Wow, I wasn’t the most deaths. That’s impressive!

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Bahahaha. No. Some one came close yesterday. But they were persistent. And had a previous guild members do it with an alt. They killed the obstacle course but got stuck in the labyrinth for way to long. But we all laughed on discord and had a great time. Also anyone who completes it and joins(sports reapers name) gets to pick a forged item out of my store in DK’s legendville mall. And I get better deals on gear.

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