Guild Books and Banning people

I fried my beacon when I first started playing because the little space you have at first I figured as long as the coil was making it to the machine I was cool next thing I knew my beacon was floating and all my plots were gone and in my inv.

I figured well surely this needs addressing used the in game report function and nothing waited a few days then posted on forums it got fixed after that but I personally was never responded to on the in game report. Had other issues game related and same deal always ended up coming here for remedy.

I even started a post “Where does the ingame reports go?” and that was quietly unanswered. A Dev did respond and say they address them here in the forums. When I said “No I mean in game reports.” there was no further replies.


At reapers no one can just join. You have to find the guild book. Pass the Reapers obstacle course and labyrinth. And the I still have to actually add them to the guild. Everyone who’s joined has been really cool so far. I want all my guild members to be nice and respectful. Though if you don’t pass your name goes on the wall of weakness until you finish it. Lol. Everyone’s been cool with this as far as I know. Youngest member-7. Most deaths on the obstacle coarse is 76. Reapers never give up! You CAN do it!


Wow, I wasn’t the most deaths. That’s impressive!

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Bahahaha. No. Some one came close yesterday. But they were persistent. And had a previous guild members do it with an alt. They killed the obstacle course but got stuck in the labyrinth for way to long. But we all laughed on discord and had a great time. Also anyone who completes it and joins(sports reapers name) gets to pick a forged item out of my store in DK’s legendville mall. And I get better deals on gear.

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Just a topic derailment reminder :slight_smile:

Just my opinion but FIRST it should be reported in the support area, send a PM to James and even to a moderator to let them know what is going on so they can make sure there is no with hunt started.

That has happened and it shouldn’t. I posted once of how we need to not jump into support the OP as we are hearing only their side and for all we know they could be the one causing the problem and wanting to distract and grief even more the person they are having a problem with.

Two wrongs do NOT make a right, to lash back, to start a feud or witch hunt only creates more problems. We, other forum members can help by stating that we are sorry it happened, but they need to report it, and say nothing more. The other side needs to state they are going to get in contact with the OP and see if they can resolve it. Then also send in a report and contact James and a moderator.

A moderator needs to close the thread and we need to stop bringing up past problems to start more hard feelings and getting players angry. Whether you are right or wrong, the forums are more important and for GAMING, not Flaming

Just my two cents on how to stop witch hunts, hurt and anger between players and forum members and making the forum look bad to new players/members.


If someone is being forcibly removed from a guild then the default result should be, regardless of the setting of the guild book, not to auto-accept them back into the guild and any attempts for that player to rejoin will require manual review by someone before it can happen.

Alternately, When removing someone from the guild, the person doing the action should be presented with a choice to „kick“ or „ban“ them from the guild.

Hopefully the devs will adjust this.


With all due respect, I completely disagree. Every guild has its own set of leaders and leadership. If you are wearing MY guild tag over your head, you vicariously represent OUR guild. Therefore, guild leaders should absolutely be allowed to make the decision on who stays and who goes.

Guild leaders who misuse their authority will lose respect, and trust me, some will… some already have, as a matter of fact, it is not Purely a coincidence that those guild will fall.

The guild system is still very new in this young game. As guilds grow and have more buffs/members and the game matures you’ll see some guilds will last and others will fade.

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@ginabean I need to clarify, I’m not talking about guild aspect in what you think. I thinking problems in the game in general.

I think that guilds should have more control over their members in the area of membership; that they can kick out members who act in a unacceptable manner. They should even be allowed to tell, privately other guilds what those players have done and be able to prove it, don’t want someone mad at someone and lying on them, which can and would happen. That would help a lot to stop some of the problems in what has happened to keep from being repeated.

What I am talking about is reporting what happens between two different groups, whether guilds, malls, settlements or even two players. No one should get online and just start posting that so and so did this to me and I’m so upset I’m going to quit.
How do we know that they weren’t the one who started the problem? I’m trying to not bring up any past events so there won’t be discussions about a topic that has been closed, so this is hard to explain.

Let me create a fake incident. We have three settlements, Settlement A, B and C.
Settlement B is somewhat close to a fairly large growth that is very near settlement A. Settlement B has a growth that is much larger on the other side of them, but it is further away from them.
Settlement B has stated they want to move close to the growth as they want to reserve it for them to use.
Settlement A goes they had planned to remove the growth as they want to expand that way, but not real close to S B. They point out that a larger growth is on the other side of S B but settlement B goes we want that one. The distance that S B would expand would get them very close to the growth on the other side. It would be better to head in that direction and to claim the growth there and it would keep settlement C from expanding and getting the growth. If S B goes that way and just reserves it they and settlement C can enjoy it if they want to.

S B doesn’t want to do that, they want to be contrary, they don’t like S A as it is larger and they want to keep it from expanding and they want that growth even though the one on the other side is much larger.

So they claim that Settlement A is keeping them from expanding, wants to keep them from using a growth that is close to them and has put up plots to block them. They don’t check to see who put up the plots just go they are close to S A and so they are part of them and they don’t want them (SB) to expand.
They don’t tell of how they built a road that is close to another side of S A, wanting to block them from expanding.

They come to the forum and complain how they are being mistreated. They make S A look bad, But, S A isn’t bad, S B is being unfair. They could expand in three other directions and it would be better for them to go the opposite way to the larger grown.
But they have made S A look bad on the forum.

That is what I am talking about. Report that to the devs, file a complaint there, don’t air it on the forums and make yourself look like the one being abused. S B was in the wrong, they should have moved the other way closer to the other growth as they would have had more room to expand, had a larger growth close by and C was no threat to them as they had a huge city and didn’t need the growth they had a large farm close by.

I wasn’t thinking of guilds, but of players coming here to air their complaints about other settlements and creating hard feelings and strife on the forum, and also distracting from the gaming aspect. I do think that posting such problems should not be done in a way that makes one group look injured and the other the one being the attacker. Especially when the one who looks injured is the main problem, they are really the attacker in some cases.

Guilds should be managed by the guild leaders, they should have more control over the members in being able to deal with those who have a history of problems, tell other guilds about trolls who are griefing them and other settlements. There needs to be a way for Guilds to know if the players requesting membership are Not the same ones they had kicked out for trolling them and other settlements. There needs to be a temp period that a applicant can sign up but not be claimed as part of the guild until they have been checked out to make sure they aren’t trolls, so they can’t go around with a I am a member of such and such guild to make that guild look bad.
There should even be a way that guilds can share info of such trolls, that have been proven to be trolls so no other guild is trolled or is grieved by them and so settlements and malls can watch out for them. If trolls have created new accounts that can be proven to be theirs and are trolling again the dev should ban them from the game and delete their account.

There needs to be better protection for guilds and in some areas better control over members. Settlements need to know who are trolls who do nothing but cause grief in settlements. The hard part would be to make sure that guild leaders won’t abuse their rights. Some will, not all, there are many great guilds and guild leaders who care about their members, but there will always be one or two who are jerks and want to be a dictator not a leader.

Hope I made sense and cleared up what my post was about.


Thanks Janna!